대학 온라인 교육의 위상 및 연계방식에 대한 고찰 : Mesa/Rio Salado 전문대학과Arizona State University를 중심으로 = The Case of Mesa/Rio Salado Community Colleges and Arizona State University
온라인 원격고등교육이 본격적으로 도입된 지 10여 년이 지났지만, 한국에서 온라인 교육은 여전히 부가적인 교육으로서의 위상을 넘어서지 못하고 있다. 이는 테크놀로지의 선진성의 문제가 아니라, 고등교육을 바라보는 시각 및 기술과 교육의 접목에 대한 관점의 문제이다. 이 연구에서는 미국 애리조나(Arizona) 주의 메사 전문대학(Mesa Community College)과 리오 살라도 전문대학(Rio Salado Community College), 그리고 애리조나 주립대학교(Arizona State University)의 교육에 대한 사례연구를 통해, 온라인 고등교육이 어떤 방식으로 유연화 되어야 할 것인지를 살펴보고자 한다. 구체적으로 온라인 교육과정의 내용과 수업방법을 살펴보고, 학교 간의 협력 체제 및 교육과정 특성 검토를 통해 학생들이 어떻게 효과적으로 고등교육을 받고 있는지를 검토한다. 이는 한국의 고등교육, 특히 한국방송통신대학교를 중심으로 한 원격고등교육의 미래전망 및 운영과 관련하여 개선할 점과 학습자 중심 체제로의 전환이 의미하는 바를 제시해 준다는 데서 의미를 가진다.
더보기This paper aims to examine the cooperative postsecondary online education system by looking at the online programs operated at Mesa/Rio Salado Community Colleges and Arizona State University. Maricopa County, located in Arizona, includes and surrounds the city of Phoenix and is the most populous country in the state, serving more than 260,000 students each year. In that county there are ten community colleges, which constitute the Maricopa Community Colleges system (MCCs). Each college is individually accredited, yet part of a larger system―the Maricopa County Community College District―which is one of the largest providers of higher education in the United States. The District offers approximately 1,000 occupational programs (degrees and certificates), and 37 academic associate degrees. It is the largest provider of health care workers and job training in Arizona, making it a major resource for business and industry and the place to be for students seeking education and job training.
Among the ten campuses, the largest campus college is Mesa Community College (MCC), and the largest online college is Rio Salado Community College (RSC).
These colleges have flexible course delivery options, including field based, hybrid, in person, independent study, Internet, mixed media, print-based, private instruction, evening, weekend and open-entry/open-exit choices. Students can learn in the manner that is best suited for them. If students see a four-year degree in their future, the colleges have transfer agreements with public and private colleges and universities that enable seamless transitions to four-year institutions. In addition, students learn with the lowest tuition rates compared with other colleges or universities and do not have to sacrifice work, family and other commitments to attain an education. With flexible Monday start dates (at RSC), they can enroll in online classes tailored to their own schedule, wherever and whenever they want, with 100 percent online and 100 percent flexible enrollment.
In Arizona, there are three state universities―Arizona State University (ASU), University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University, among which ASU is the largest and highest ranking school. The students who gain the required credits may transfer to these universities or take an associate degree to transfer to these universities. The students who enroll in ASU online programs, located anywhere and without constraints, have access to the educational opportunities of a great research university and all of its faculty. ASU online program students can learn the same content from the same excellent faculty who teach on the ASU’s four campuses.
In sum, MCCs in Arizona offer a variety of community-based online programs and services to help their diverse student populations achieve their educational goals. And the cooperative academic partnership between MCCs and some 40 four-year institutions ensure success for students who want to achieve their goals.
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