조선후기 牛峰金氏의 성립과 발전 = The Formation of Woobong Kim’s Clam(牛峰金氏) and Development in the Latter Period of Joseon : On the Chungin(中人) such like Kim Jinam(金指南) from the Family Branch of Kim Gyedong(金繼仝)
The Woobong Kim’s Clan originated from Kim Gyedong, its refounder of one branch of the clan in the early age of the Joseon Dynasty. His descendent, Kim Jinam(l654-1718 A.D.)learned the method of producing explosives from China and wrote the book named Sinjeonjachobang(『新傅者硝方』) in the 18th year of King Sukjong(肅宗). In addition, he settled the territory dispute between Korea and China in 1712. In results, the east side of Tomoon River(土門江) including the Chunji(天地), the lake of Mt. Backdu(白頭山), and Gando(間島) area were included in the territory of the Joseon Dynasty. Kim Kyungmoon(金慶門 : 1673-1737A.D.), the first son of Kim Jinam, expanded the territory by over 500ri(里 : about 200km) by persuasion.
Kim Kyungmoon eliminated some obstacles for trading between Korea and China. On the one hand, Kim Jinam and Kim Kyungrnoon compiled Tongmoongoanji(『通文館志』) about the diplomacy of China and Japan. To secure the expenses of the memorial service for the ancestor, Kim Kyungmoon reserved a lots of lands(同宗中契券) and established a new rule for the family(宗憲). This economical independency enabled that Kim Gyedong’s branch actually separated from the head family.
Kim Hongchul(金弘喆 : 1715-1778 A.D.), a grandson of Kim Jinam, became a diplomat. Kim Gunseo(金健瑞 : 1743-1807 A.D.), as a diplomat specialized in Japanese language, wrote the book named Jungjeonggyorinji: (『增正交隣志』) regarding the diplomatic relationship with the Japan and edited Cheobhaesineomoonseok(『捷解新語文釋』). Kim Deuckryun(金得鍊 : 1852-1930 A.D.) attended the coronation ceremony of the emperor Nicholas II of Russia as a Chinese language envoy with the ambassador Min Younghwan(閔泳煥 : 1861-1~ A.D.) in the era of King Gojong. After returning to Korea, he wrote the book named Booakijeong(『赴俄起程』附閔忠正公本傅). In addition, he published works such as Whangooilki(『環?日記』) and poetical work Whangooumcho(『環??艸』).
However, the descendents of Kim Jinnam(Kim Jinam’s step brother) had have been relatively hard times, due to the political strife.
The analysis of the Woobong Kim’s Clan for 270 years since 1621(the first year of King Injo) reveals the following results. During the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty, the 98 persons(101 times passed) of the Woobong Kim’s Clan passed the state examination to recruit technical officials. This records marks the 10th position among various clans. Especially, many of Woobong Kim’s clan passed in the official interpreter examination and their clan marks 5th position. In addition, 41.1% of the Woobong Kim’s officials were the high level official called ‘Dangsangkoan(堂上官)’. In the 18th century, Woobong Kim enjoyed the highest reputation by making two fields of top officials for the trading and interpreting. These official interpreters engaged in the merchant trade by importing the silk with China after paying the silver, and by importing the silver with Japan after paying the silk. The total amount trade of Joseon with Ching(淸) and Japan reached more than 1,000,000nyang (兩) on some year in the latter period of Joseon dynasty. By having a chance to participate in the trading, the family of Woobong Kim had many rich persons in the Joseon Dynasty and even in the era of Japanese invasion. After Kim Jinam, the members of this clan tried to educate with latitude about Confucius culture and foreign languages and can accomplished to edit important diplomatic books. Therefore, Woobong Kim’s Clan could be the specialist officials family of the first rank in the latter period of Joseon.
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