미국헌법상 기본권의 체계와 이론적 특징
Compared with Korean constitutional theory. the characteristics of the individual rights protected by the U.S. Constitution could be summarized as follows: First. the idea of natural rights is denied. The argument that natural rights restrain the governmental power is not generally accepted in the U.S. courts. Secondly, individual rights provisions do not apply to private entities. The wording of those provisions prohibits or restrains the federal government or states from certain actions or legislations. Accordingly. for the U.S. Constitution to be applied to private actions, other factors are required, which render those actions state actions, Thirdly, as a general rule, the U.S. Constitution is not binding to the states. The 14th Amendment provides that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court held in the Slaughter-House case that the privileges or immunities clause does not make the Bill of Rights applicable to the states. Instead. the due process clause is used as the constitutional basis to restrain state actions: that is. at least a part of the Bill of Rights belong to the liberty protected by the 14th Amendment.<br/>
The doctrine that the 14th Amendment applies only to the governments. but not to private entities is one of the fundamental theories of the U.S. Constitution. However. two categories of exceptions are admitted. One is the public functions exception. If private actions exercise the power which has been traditionally reserved exclusively for the government. they fall under state actions. The other is the entanglement exception. If the government authorizes. encourages or promotes private actions which violate the Constitution. the Constitution applies to those actions.<br/>
The Supreme Court uses the level of scrutiny as a standard for deciding the constitutionality of statutes in a series of judicial review cases relating to individual rights and equal protection. The lowest level is the rational basis test. At this level. a statute is constitutional if it is rationally related to a legitimate government purpose. According to the intermediate scrutiny. a statute is constitutional if it is substantially related to an important government purpose. At the highest strict scrutiny. a statute is constitutional if it is necessary to achieve a compelling government purpose.<br/>
Take equal protection as an example. The courts apply the strict scrutiny if suspect classification. such as race or ethnicity, is at issue, or if the discriminatory treatment affects the exercise of fundamental rights. The rational basis test is applicable to all classifications relating to the regulation of economy, business or social welfare, if they are irrelevant to the exercise of fundamental rights or suspect classification. The intermediate scrutiny is adopted in such fields as the classification is related to gender or illegitimacy.
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