조선시대 호계서원(虎溪書院)의 위상과 강학활동 = A Study on the Status and Education of Hogye-Seowon in the Joseon Dynasty
Hogye-Seowon(虎溪書院) is the first Seowon established in Andong area to celebrate Toegye because it was a place where Toegye was reading when he was a child. After the 17th century, it has grown into a representative Seowon in the Yeongnam region along with Dosan-Seowon and Oksan-Seowon. Paying attention to the status of Hogye- Seowon, many studies have been conducted in the field of political history. However, there are only two thesis on education in the 19th century on the study of Hogye-seowon education. This is because there is little data on education of Hogye- Seowon. Therefore, I tried to trace the overall flow and changes of Hogye Seowon education from the 16th century to the 19th century by investigating the data on Hogye-Seowon education as much as possible.
In Chapter 2, I first analyzed the operating regulations of Hogye-Seowon, and then investigated the relationship between Andongbu(安東府) and Hogye-Seowon. In 1576, Nam, chi-ri(南致利) created the operating regulations of Hogye-Seowon, imitating Toegye's Isan-Seowon regulations. However, there are obvious differences between the two. In addition, Hogye-Seowon was established and operated in a very close cooperative relationship with Andongbu. Through the analysis of the relationship, Chapter 2 I confirmed that the 16th century Hogye-Seowon played the same status and role as the Andong-Hyanggyo.
In Chapter 3, I reviewed the educational activities of Hogye-Seowon from the 16th century to the 17th century. Through this, the operation status of children's education, the space used for education, the contents of education and the education method were confirmed.
In Chapter 4, I reviewed the changes in the educational system of Hogye-Seowon, the changes in textbooks and educational philosophy, and the formation process of the school from the 18th century to the 19th century. Hogye-seowon's educational system began to change systematically starting with the Simkyung-Lecture(心經講會) led by Daesan(大山) Lee, Sang-jung(李象靖) in 1765. And in the 18th and 19th centuries, the book they studied hardest at Hogye-Seowon was Shimkyung(心經). In addition, the teachers at Hogye-Seowon put great emphasis on practicing what they learned in Seowon in their daily life. In other words, the characteristics of Hogye- Seowon education in the 18th and 19th centuries can be found in the learning of the mind and practical academic practices. Through the education at Hogye-Seowon, the people who led the schooling were forming a academic network leading to “Toegye Lee Hwang(退溪李滉)-Kim, Seong-il(金誠一)-Lee, Hyun-il(李玄逸)-Lee, jae(李栽)-Lee, Sang-jeong(李象靖)”.
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