출소자의 재범방지를 위한 갱생보호제도의 활성화 방안-비유권적(임의적)갱생보호제도를 중심으로- = The actual planning of rehabilitation system the purpose of preventing repetitions of the released off ender.
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Our society is complicating and diversifying based on a !ugh growth of economy, modernization, informationalization, and hi-techs Crimes accompanied with developing of society are increasing in quality and quantity, and offenders commit crimes over and over with unfitness for social system While economic growth and informationalization make a welfare community faster, now we are seeing its side effects and increasing despairs of the unprivileged,Prevailing of crimes, and speeding of its repetition, cruelty, systematization, intellectualization, and increasing of repetition rating of the released are good examples,
Over the last three decades, the total number of crime increases from 323,363 cases in 1973 to 1,977,665 cases in 2002, which means about sextuple, The incidence per a hundred thousand population increases from 948 cases in 1973 to 4,076 cases in 2002 by 4.3 times. Numerous criminals are in a quagmire of crime by only one.
These vicious circle of crime show not only poor results of correction belonged to facility treatment, but also a limited protection policy for the released in society. No matter how they are corrected by facility treatment, its hard to get reduction or prevention against crime.
In below chart, we can see that convicts repetition rating is increasing again.That is, the rating has been decreasing from 64.9% in 1993 to 50.8% in 1999, but 2002 is 55.4%. Particularly, with the rating of repeated criminals
among overall convicts gomg over 50% every year, we have to recognize its seriousness and concern over preventions of the released. These problems generally stem from released persons will and consciousness to rehabilitate, but the bigger one is national poliCies and systems to support them, and the generals attitude to accept them.
Todays trend of CrIminal law has a great turn from menacing facility detention to community treatment, and IS to develop the probation system that IS a social protechon for offenders and increase to support system, manpower, fmancing.
Rehabilitation system is the core of criminal policy, and the special prevention of repetition policy among crime prevention, and one of the most traditional social protection. Now it faces reduction of supports, and retrogression. So, focus of this report is to study a social situation facing a released person, requirements for repetition prevention, the supports, managerial facts and problems over the released convicts, and to try to find a solution over activation of rehabilitation system.
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