서구 사회에 소개된 〈황조가〉의 양상 고찰 = A Study of Three Translations of “Yellow Birds Song” Introduced to Western Society ‒ English Translations in the Early 20th Century ‒
This paper focuses on introducing three different English translations of “Yellow Birds Song” which was published in the early 20th Century. It compares three different translations, explains the differences of the background stories fromthe original content, and discusses the translators’ ideologies in translation and the purpose of Korean poem translations. The three translators are James S. Gale, a Canadian missionary, Joan S. Grigsby, a Scot poet, and Younghill Kang, Korean-American novelist. They translated the poemof “Yellow Birds Song” which was written in 17 BC by King Yuri of Koguryo, and they cited the translated poeminto the book ofHistory of the Korean People(1928, a book of history),The Orchid Door(1935, a book of poetry), andThe Grass Roof(1931, novel) respectively. They each used the same poembut written in different languages. These different original poems influenced their translations. Gale used the poemwritten in Chinese, Grigsby used the English translation by Gale, and Kang used the Korean song. Gale’s translation is similar to Chinese poem. Grigsby’s translation is free style because she couldn’t understand the original content and tried to adjust to the western style. Kang’s translation is close to the original Korean song. These three translations are different because of their different ideologies in translation. First, Gale put an importance in Korean literature and understanding ofWestern readers. Thus, he tried to be faithful to the original and at the same time, compose his translation as an English poem. Second, Grigsby didn’t even try to translate close to original content, because she felt that characteristics of Korean literature was not important in translation. She thought literal translation of Korean poems couldn’t appeal to average western readers. Third, Kang did his best to be faithful to the original Korean song because he thought Korean songs had ardent sense. These translators translated the background story of the book of SamKookSaKi(三國史記) differently because they have different purpose of Korean poem translations. First, Gale tried to provide the story in detail, and added his opinions as a missionary and historian because he wanted to introduce Korea as a country with a long history and rich literature. Second, Grigsy summarized the story very succinctly because she focused on the ancient beauty of Korean poems rather than the long history, Third, Kang changed whole story in his novel because he tried to show the harsh reality of those days when it was under the Japanese control. His translation of Korean song expresses their pride and deep grief over the country lost.
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닫기학술연구정보서비스 이용약관 (2017년 1월 1일 ~ 현재 적용)
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