공공조달계약에 블록체인 기술 및 스마트계약 활용의 법적 문제 = Enhancing Public Trust and Efficiency in e-Public Procurement: The Role of Blockchain and Smart Contracts in Public Procurement
현진 (조달청)
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This paper explores the innovative application of integrating blockchain technologies into public procurement contracts for next-generation electronic government (e-Government) systems, emphasizing the critical role these technologies can play in enhancing transparency, efficiency, and public trust in governmental operations. Public procurement systems like KONEPS (Korea ON-line E-Procurement System) include advanced automation of procurement processes, however, they continue to struggle with inefficiencies, particularly in the form of procedural delays and the extensive documentation required for bid participation. Such limitation highlights the pressing need to reform the centralized system and adopt innovative technological solutions. Blockchain technology, with its decentralized, peer-to-peer transaction capabilities and robust security features enabled by cryptographic algorithms, emerges as a powerful tool for driving e-Procurement System innovation.
This paper specifically focuses on the potential applications of blockchain-based contracts, referred to as smart contracts, within the public procurement sector. The integration of smart contracts into public procurement systems offers a sustainable and resilient approach to automating, securing, and enforcing contractual agreements. Smart contracts, built on blockchain technology, ensure that all participants in transactions have equal access to the network, with no central authority having the ability to alter the data. This decentralized nature enhances trust and confidence between the parties involved.
Furthermore, blockchain provides a platform where procurement contracts are executed, monitored, and modified with a high degree of transparency and security. Smart contracts can potentially eliminate the traditional reliance on manual supervision and liaison, thereby reducing opportunities for corruption, expediting administrative processes, and ensuring the integrity, transparency, and accountability of public procurement.
The methodology presented in this paper underscores the significance of smart contracts to not only streamline the procurement process but also to fundamentally transform how public contracts can be implemented and managed.
By automating contract executions through tamper-proof blockchain's record keeping system, smart contracts can ensure that all contractual obligations are met without the need for third-party intervention, thereby fostering greater trust and transparency in public administration. Although the integration of smart contracts into public procurement is still in its early stages, the anticipated benefits are substantial, including enhanced transparency, increased public participation, diversified and improved management practices, and a more resilient framework for safeguarding the public interest. The successful adoption of blockchain technology and smart contracts in public procurement could lead to significant advancements in public administration, effectively optimizing the procurement process and contributing to the broader objectives of a more transparent, efficient, and trustworthy e-Government.
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