신라 고취대 재현을 위한 악기 편성 연구 = A Study of Instrumentation for Restoration of the Silla Koch`widae
한국음악사학보(Journal of the Society for Korean Historico-Musicology)
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This paper attempts to study the instrumentation for the marching band of Silla, the Silla Koch`widae 新羅鼓吹隊, based on the record found in the biography of Kim Yu-sin 金庾信 in Samguk sagi 『三國史記』 (History of the Three Kingdoms). It writes, “When Kim Yu-sin died on July 1st in the year of 673, the King Munmu 文武王 sent a military marching band (koch`wi) of 100 soldiers to his funeral.” The Koch`widae 鼓吹隊 related literature was referenced to establish the historical foundation and the organization of the marching band and the kinds of its instruments were also studied. The Silla Koch`widae was very likely to belong to Pyongbu 兵部 (Ministry of Military Affairs). The number of personnel may have ranged from 38 to as many as 100. The koch`widae players were soldiers that belonged to a military camp (kunyong 軍營), and the rank of its director was assumed to be as high as the chegam 弟監 of Pyongbu. The functions of koch`widae were to signal the army in a battle field for various military tactics, to raise the morale of the soldiers and to perform at the funerals of the royal family and aristocrats, and for a variety of ceremonies. The counterparts of Tang 唐 China, Koguryo 高句麗, and Koryo 高麗, which inherited the cultural tradition of Silla, were cross-referenced to figure out the structure of the Silla Koch`widae. The original instrumen- tation for the marching band was assumed through comparing between the current instrumentation and musical instruments used in the Silla Kingdom and examining other available instruments found in the musico-archaeological remains. The arrangement of the koch`widae was different according to social status in the Tang China, Koguryo and Koryo Kingdoms. In the Silla Kingdom, when the King went somewhere in royal palanquin, the marching band was arranged in front of and behind the royal palanquin. The instruments that could be used in the koch`widae among those also used in the Silla Kingdom, are 10 instruments, which are 4 pipe instruments including kak 角 (horn trumpet known as nabal 喇叭), na 螺 (conch shell, nagak 螺角), p`iri 필률 (cylincrical oboe), and saeng 笙 (笙簧: mouth organ) as well as 6 percussions, i.e. ching 징 (大金: large gong), para 발라 (자발라: large cymbal), puk 북 (鼓: drum), pakp`an 拍板 (拍: wooden clapper), kanggo 강鼓 (carrying drum), and togo 도鼓 (swinging hand drum). In addition, depending on the size of the band, samjuk 三竹 (three bamboo flute) ―taegum 大금 (large transverse flute), chunggum 中금 (medium transverse flute), sogum 小금 (small transverse flute)― and yogo 腰鼓 (waist drum) could be added. The least number of the performers of the koch`widae is 38, which could be extended to as many as over 100 to 108. In the case of a 38 member band, the ten Silla instruments are employed owing to their ample sound quality. The 108 member band is organized for grand ceremonies, which not only employed the ten Silla instruments but also samjuk (three bamboo flute) and yogo (waist drum), so that not any of the Silla instruments is left out in demonstration and, at the same time, the additional instruments contribute to create a solemn atmosphere for the ceremony. The restoration of the original sound of the Silla Koch`widae would not be far-fetched if some suitable sound system is employed to amplify those instruments whose sound quality are not ample enough.
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