韓國新聞廣告 일러스트레이션(Illustration)의 變遷에 관한 硏究 = A Study on Changes in Korean Newspaper Ad. Illustrations
河相五 (藝術大學,産業美術學科)
The newspaper advertisement illustrations in Korea has, from the early stage till to date, undergone from a numerous turbulences to a gradual refinement as the history of korea so begets thus far. The newspaper advertisement illustration was first emerged when, in 1896, the 「Doklip shinmun」 initiated the advertisement in the mere forms of public notice onto the foreign products because of the circumstances in-volved in these days.
Form 「the Hwangsung shinmun」 or 「the daehan Daily」, thenceforth the volumes of the newspaper advertisement has gradually increased and thus eventually the above the 「Daehan Daily」 founded the 「Hansung Advertisement Agency」 to specialize the advertisement concerns and new era of specialized advertisement has begun. The new expressions in the advertisement with a personal touch and taste plus unique techniques on the illustrations were all observed from this stage.
It must be, however, admitted that a notable development of the modern advertisement illustration is responsible during the early Japanese domination when a thick volume of products from Japan flowed into Korea along with its intense advertisement activities.
And a few hints are noticed from the Japanese products advertisement which have appeared on the 「Maeil shinbo」 in 1930s of their effective visual presentations of the product concepts in their advertisement expressions all which indicate the directions of future newspaper advertisement illustrations of Korea.
Following the Liberation in 1945, two major newspapers in Korea, the 「Dong-a Ilbo」 and 「Chosun Ilbo」, had resumed along with a numerous newspaers in Korea to bring forth a considerable expansion in quantity.
Regret to admit the fact that the quality had been remarkably deteriorated by the reasons of the Korean conflict in 1950 followed by the armistice in 1953 in addition to a social upheavals. The political stabilization has realized from the latter part of 1950s when the national products start appearing in production, the newsparer advertisement illustrations were revitalized because the products must be known to the public through the advertisement illustration. In addition to this, during the 1960s, the similar products in various forms emerged to public consumers which should be advertised in the utilizations of unique expression in the advertisement on both commercial photo and illustrations. particularly in the medicine advertisments.
The further encouragement of the newspaper ad illustrations was obtained by the estab-lishment of the「Cho Sun Ilbo advertising Awards」 by the 「Chosun Ilbo」 in 1964 to insure the development of the unique specialization in the newspaper ad illustrations which resulted the upgrade of the adversement and thus had contributed towa5rds effective visual knowledge for the public all wihc bear the significancs in the moderniazation of the newspaper advertisement illustrations of Korea.
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