고려 강도의 신앙과 종교의례
This study is to illuminate the types of religions and rituals cherished by people in Gangdo, which was the capital in the period of Koryeo's struggle against Mongolia. Mt. Songak was the lord of mountains in Gangdo. Mt. Koryeo was the western tiger and the Gap Cape was eastern dragon. Hwasan(Namsan) corresponded to a mountain as a table. The mountains spread through the center from the north to the south, forming Mt. Koryeo, Mt. Hyeolgu, Mt. Jingang, Mt. Jeongjok, Mt. Mari. These mountains became the objects of beliefs and were used as the places of rituals. Important places for Buddhist rituals in Gangdo were palaces and Buddhist temples. Every kind of Buddhist ritual was held mostly inner space of the main palace which might be located in the southern brink of Mt. Songak. It was also held separate or temporary palaces. The important Buddhist temples in Gaegyeng such as Bongeun , Beobwang, Boje, Geonseong, Bongnyeong, Hyenseong, Myotong were mostly restored, and new temples like Hyelgu and Seonwon were built. Most sites of those temples were not clarified. The location of Seonwon Temple was often argued, but it was regarded as the historic site ‘Seonwon Temple Site’. On investigation of several data Boje Temple was located in Seonheng village in the brink of Mt. Namsan. The Buddhist rituals of Gangdo were the yearly services, incensing ceremonies at Bongeun and Beobwang temples. The rituals of removing disaster and worshiping Srimahadevi, tutelar gods and In-Wang Prajnanaparamita Sutra were often held. The worship rituals for Buddhosnisa, Sakrodevendra, Mahavairocana, and Taoism God were held, which had a strong tendency to Esoteric Buddhism and Taoism. The King often visited Bongeun and Beobwang temples as yearly visiting events. He also visited Hyenseong, Wangnyun, Geonseong, Bongnyeng, Myotong, Woiwon, Boje temples. Very often the king went to Guyo shrine when the King visit Woiwon Temple. Guyo shrine was one of Taoism facilities, and Bongnyeong Temple had a taoism color. The Taoism rituals were actively held and the religious service for stars were performed in inner buildings of the palace and Chamseong of Mt. Mari. The united tendency of Esoteric Buddhism and Taoism was strong and the hermit of Ganghwa succeeded to eight hermits of Songak and beliefs of Tangun(the founding father of the Korean nation) derived from beliefs of Mt. Mari, Samnang wall, Sinni village.
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