江華의 三別抄 南行 始發地에 대한 고찰
The most important issue of the study on the Sambyolcho(삼별초)'s resistance in Kangwha(江華) is the inquiry on the first site from where they start for south. But many researchers troubled at looking for the site because the record on the Sambyolcho's achievement in Kangwha is not rich and the names of the place on the record are not related with the present name. The names on the record related with starting point for south are Goopo(仇浦), Hangpagang(缸破江), Buracksan(浮落山), and Chackryang(窄梁). Among these sites, the Goopo is supposed to be the starting point of Sambyolcho's movement. The question is where is the Goopo. As the established opinion, Goopo is the region of the Goosangdong(鳩上洞) on the west of Kangwha(江華), but an another view is come into recently that Goopo is ‘the outside of Chackryang(窄梁)’ according to the 《Daedonjijy(대동지지)》. Agreed with the latter opinion, the author is also assume that Goopo is the region of Sondolmock(손돌목). Yet the author disagrees with the latter on the location of Hangpagan(缸破江) and Booracksan(浮落山) as well as the moving route of the Sambyolcho. The author come to the conclusion in reference to the 《Daedonjijy》and the maps made in the late of Chosun. Hangpagang(缸破江) is supposed to be the region of ‘Hangsando(缸山島)’ in front of the Chojijin(草芝鎭). Furthermore, Hangsando`s present name is presumed the ??Whangsando(黃山島)??}which is in Chojiri(초지 리) Gilangmyon(길상면) Kangwhagun(강화군) Incheon metropolitan City(인천광역 시). And the established view on the location of the Booracksan(부락산) paid attention to ‘Byolripsan(별립산)??}in Kangwha. Although the name of the place contains a ‘mountain’, it hasn't to be the mountain. Generally the ‘mountain’ is used on the name of the island. With this, the author supposed to be the ‘Booraedo(부래도)’ in Deagotmyon(대곳면) Gimpogun(김포군) as the location of the ‘Booracksan(부락산)’ reference to Kim-Jung-Ho(김정호)'s opinion in spite of later generation. If the author's opinion is accepted, we can settle the many questions. First, the matter of the distance between Goopo and Byolripsan that was the weak point of the view “Goopo is Goohari” is settled. In addition, the irrationality of the explanation that Sambyolcho's fleet fled round the Kangwha island against waterway is naturally disappeared. That is, as the Lee-Suk-Jin's troops get ready to fight on Booraedo nearby Sondolmock, the Sambyolcho misunderstood them as the Mongols, so the Sambyolcho's fleet along with Sondolmock and the islands in front of the Chojijin moved into south quickly.
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