Current US SPACE Policy and Strategy
Cho Hong je (Korea National Defense University, Nonsan, Republic of Korea) ; Park Gyun yeol (Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea)
KCI 피인용횟수
학회 요청에 의해 무료로 제공
In the half-century since the first launch of Sputnik 1 it has become impossible to consider economic, political, or scientific human life in the communication field without reference to outer space. As proved in the recent Iraq, Gulf, and Kosovo Wars, Space capability necessary actor of modern warfare. Space power is becoming a barometer of national power. Commercial and military activities were developed by the USA and former Soviet Union in the early days, but in the 21st Century many nation participate in space activities either directly or indirectly. While ongoing developments of outer space have contributed positively to the overall well-being of mankind, there have been mounting concerns that the last frontier may also turn into a political and economic battlefield. Numerous experts have foreseen a high possibility of a space arms race among dominating space powers such as the US and Russia and other emerging nations as they actively attempt to utilize space for mili-tary uses. Public opinion is growing with regard to increased measures through various international bodies, including the UN, in guaranteeing the peaceful use of outer space and preventing the space arms race. There is a growing public opinion that increased measures should be taken through the mediation of various interna-tional institutions, such as the UN, to guarantee the peaceful use of outer space and prevent the catastrophic outcome that may occur as a result of the space arms race. Such actions are indeed imperative as the non-weaponization of space will be a wasted effort otherwise. If we disregard this problem, people will be demised owing to the past tens years’ visualized ‘Star Wars’ scenario. As the importance of the commercial and military aspects of space is increasing, the vulnerability to cope with threats imposed on the utilization of space still exists and must be confronted. However, it is very difficult to secure international cooperation due to the nar-row view on space arms control and national security, owing to the conflict of interests among nations in re-gard to their development of weapons and positions they hold in the international society. The outstanding example is that The United States which has been holding the position of the most advanced space power withdrew from OST in early 2000s, which would be very harmful to the efforts of arms control in space by inter-national community. Nevertheless, a long-term and systematical approach is essential to utilize space for peaceful purposes and establish it as a common heritage of mankind(CHM).
연월일 | 이력구분 | 이력상세 | 등재구분 |
2025 | 평가예정 | 신규평가 신청대상 (신규평가) | |
2022-06-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 취소 | |
2020-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) | KCI후보 |
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