보리의 世代促進 方法과 選拔效率에 關한 硏究 1. 秋播栽培에서 播性消去 期間이 出穗 및 主要特性에 미치는 影響 = Studies on the accelerating generation advancement and selecting efficiency in barley breeding 1. Effect of natural vernalization periods on the heading response and major agronomic characteristics in the fall-sown barley
Yang Ho Oh(吳瀁鎬) ; Sun Young Choi(崔善英) ; Jae Kwan Ko(高在觀) ; Sung Ho Bae(裵聖浩)
발행기관 URL
In order to determine the cultivation methods for accelerating generation advancement three times a year utilizing the natural condition in Iri area, nine varieties of barley possessing various growth habits (Ⅰ-Ⅵ) were sown on October 25, 1983 and 1984, and vernalization periods required for heading under the natural condition and major characters were investigated. The vernalization periods required for the varieties sown on October 25 were November 4-14 (10-20 days after sowing) for Ⅰ-Ⅱ, December 4-14 (40-50 days after sowing) for Ⅲ-Ⅳ and December 14-24 (50-60 days after sowing) for Ⅴ-Ⅵ winter growth habit varieties, respectively. The latest heading occurred on January 27 in the varieties (Ⅰ-Ⅳ) moved to greenhouse on December 24 and it did on January 31 in the varieties(Ⅴ-Ⅵ) moved to greenhouse on December 14. Culm length showed a little difference annually and it was 24-76 cm when barley plants were moved to greenhouse on December 14-24. Numbr of grains per spike was 19-38 when they were moved to greenhouse on December 14-24. Heading date of barley grown in the greenhouse after vernalization under the natural condition and after seed-green vernalization in incubator showed similar tendency, but longer culm and more number of grains per spike were obtained under the natural condition. In the results of experiment, when the barley varieties which were vernalized under the natural condition were moved to the greenhouse on December 14-24 (50-60 days after sowing), the heading became finished on January 31, and unripen seeds were to be harvested until February 20, and it took 118 days for the periods of first generation.
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