해인사에 소장된 『당현시범(唐賢詩範)』의 역사,문화적 성격 = A study on the historical & cultural value of the Danghyenshiberm(唐賢詩範) in the Haein-Temple(海印寺)
동아대학교 석당학술원(Sokdang Academic Research Institute of Traditional Culture Dong-A University)
This paper attempts to analyze into the historical & cultural value of the Danghyenshiberm(唐賢詩範)-woodblock that is stored in the Haein-Temple(海印寺). in the process, the variety of original information has been restored. in particular, this paper has been newly confirmed the existent fact of the Gaeryeong- BunsaDaejangdogam(開寧分司大藏都監) there was established in Gaeryeong about the Middle of the 13th Century. Gaeryeong- BunsaDaejangdogam was the sculpturing-work of the Ganghwa- Capital-Woodblock(江華經板) Koryo-Dynasty``s Tripitaka(高麗大臧 經) in the Haein-Temple. First, this paper has been generally arranged the surface configuration form & bibliographic information of the Danghyenshiberm-woodblock, the imprint(刊記) & the engravers(刻 手). we are noted the fact that the woodblock was composed 6 pannel of 1 table(1板6面). in particular, we are noted the fact that the imprint was inscribed ‘the Danghyenshiberm-woodblock have been carved in the Koryo-Dynasty``s Gaeryeong- BunsaDaejangdogam(高麗國開寧分司大藏都監開板)’, the fact that the engravers have been sculpted ‘Joungjang(正藏).Sonjak(孫綽). Hyegyeon(惠堅)’. Next, this paper has analyzed into the historical & cultural nature of the Danghyenshiberm-woodblock itself. this woodblock have been carved in the Gaeryeong-BunsaDaejangdogam, the carved time was about 1246 year. it was also reflected in the empirical scientific-nature & visual artistry. and it was reflected in the creative woodblock-technology & publishing-print capability of the Koryo-Dynasty, the independent foreignness-perception. Finally, this paper has analyzed into the historical & cultural value that can be applied to the original information of the Danghyenshiberm-woodblock. this original information can be used as a new status data that can be analyzed into the bibliographic fields of the Korea, the surface configuration form of the East Asian woodblock, and the operating conditions of the Gaeryeong- BunsaDaejangdogam.
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