팔도유람을 소재로 한 재담 레퍼토리의 전통과 변용 = Tradition and transformation of Korean witticisms dealing with P'aldoyuram
This paper inquires closely into the developmental aspects of the Korean witticisms dealing with P'aldoyuram(sightseeing trip throughout Korea) and its problem of tradition and transformation. The Korean witticisms dealing with P'aldoyuram are very appropriate cases for explaining about the issue of tradition and transformation of the folk drama, because there are many transfiguration from the traditional Palt'al(foot puppet performance) to gags with folk songs in the 20th century.
At first, the works as the traditional witticisms are P'aldoyuram part in the Palt'al by Lee Dongan and Park Haeil. The purpose of the Lee's wordplay is to set up the spirited entertainment ground for the representative folk songs of Korea's eight provinces and to attract attention to the features and actions of the mask. In Park's scripts, the quantity of wordplays are increased and the distinguishing technique of scolding.
Next, the transformed works are the gags with folk songs by the comedy duo Kim Wonho & Son Wonpyeong, Chang Sopal & Ko Chunja, Kim Yeongun & Ko Chunja and Kim Ppeokguk Art Company. It is significant that the work by Kim & Son, P'aldop'unggyŏng, was the first attempt of composing just stories about P'aldoyuram and Chang & Ko's was the first mixed duo in this genre. And the duo Chang & Ko used stories about P'aldoyuram as simple course for wordplays not the main material and expressed women as a sexual object. In Kim & Ko's, previous change deepened and wordplays had no direct relevance to the theme and title of P'aldoyuram increased. Also, there were the political undertones were similar to that of the movie P'aldogangsan in it. Kim Ppeokguk Art Company succeeded Korean witticisms dealing with P'aldoyuram and showed wordplays strengthened local features based on the experiences of nationwide tour concerts.
Meanwhile, the aspects of tradition and transformation in the Korean witticisms dealing with P'aldoyuram are summarized as follows. First, the witticisms about P'aldoyuram are given more weight in modern gags with folk songs than traditional Palt'al. The conversion into modern gags with folk songs raised the degree of intensive. Second, the male duo of mask performer playing the mask and singing and clown speaking to the mask and inducing that to sing in traditional Palt'al changed the male/female duo chatting each other in modern gags with folk songs. Third, witticisms in traditional Palt'al were supporting devices for highlighting mask's play. But in modern gags with folk songs, witticisms got importance and various techniques, such as scolding, inserting short play, following rhyme, speaking quickly like a rap song, etc., were tried. And, weakened local feature of witticisms reinforced again in the repertories by Kim Ppeokguk Art Company.
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닫기학술연구정보서비스 이용약관 (2017년 1월 1일 ~ 현재 적용)
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또는 회원탈퇴시까지5년
(「전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한3년
(「전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한2년
이상(개인정보보호위원회 : 개인정보의 안전성 확보조치 기준)개인정보파일의 명칭 | 운영근거 / 처리목적 | 개인정보파일에 기록되는 개인정보의 항목 | 보유기간 | |
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