Vincristine 이 Mouse 간장의 인산염분해효소 활성에 미치는 영향 = Effect of Vincristine on Alkaline Phosphatase and Adenosine Triphosphatase Activities of Liver in Mice
Vincristine is a cytotoxic tubulin binding agent, derived from the periwinkle plant, Vinca rosea Linn. It has been known as a potent mitotic inhibitor that has found their place as effective drug in combination chemotherapy regimens for the treatment of humanleukemias, lymphomas and a variety of solid tumors.
The major antitumor effect of this agent appears to be related to its high affinity binding to the basic protein subunit of microtubules, tubulin, which results in disruption of the mitotic spindle apparatus and arrest cells in metaphase. Neurotoxicity is dose-limiting toxicity of administration of vincristine. Vincristine also acts on normally proliferating cells.
The author has investigated the effect of vincristine on the mouse liver histochemially observing the change in the activities of alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase).
The mice of the vincristine treated group were given 2.5mg per kg of body weight of mouse in the form of vincristine in 0.9% sodium chlorid and the animals of control group were given 0.9% sodium chlorid only through intraperitoneal injection. After administration, the animals were killed at intervals of 6, 12, 24 and 36 hours. The specimens which were obtained from the anterior lobe or of the liver, were fixed in 10%-neutral formalin at 4℃ and sectioned at 16㎛ thickness in frozen cryostat. He activities of alkaline phosphatase and ATPase were observed by Gomori's method and by Wachstein-Meisel's method, respectively.
The results are as follows:
1. The activity of alkaline phosphatase was weakly positive in the perioportal and intermedicate zones, trace positive in the central zone of the hepatic lobule of the 6 hours vincristine treated group. Trace positive reaction was observed in the hepatic lobule of 12 hours vincristine treated group. Negative reaction in the central zone, trace positive reaction in the intermediate zone and weakly positive reaction in the periportal zone were observed. Trace positive reaction was observed in the central zone and weakly positive reaction was seen in the intermediate and periportal zone of the hepatic was seen in the intermediate and periportal zone of the hepatic lobule of 36 hours vincristine treated group.
2. ATPase activity was weakly positive in the central and periportal zones and trace positive in the intermediate zone of the hepatic lobule of 6 hours vincristine treated group. Trace positive reaction was observed in the entire hepatic lobule of 12 hours vincristine treated group. There are weakly positive in the 24 hours vincristine treated group and moderately positive reaction in the whole hepatic lobule of the 36 hours vincristine treated group.
Consequently, it is suggested that vincristine decreases activities of alkaline phosphatase and ATPase in the liver, due probably to the cytotoxic effect of the drug on the liver.
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