출애굽 기사에 나타난 구원: 오경의 구성적 관점으로 읽는 출애굽 기사와 현대 크리스천의 구원 이해 = Salvation in the Exodus Narrative: Reading Exodus through a Compositional Strategy of the Pentateuch and Its Implication for Christian Understanding
This study explores the concept of salvation in the Exodus event and its implication for Christian belief based on the Pentateuch’s compositional strategy. The subject of salvation in Christian belief is often based on the New Testament or systematic theological agenda. Yet, the Old Testament, especially the Pentateuch, could contribute to shaping the Christian understanding of salvation. To discuss the suggested task, this study looks for the appropriate text, the Exodus story. Second, this research explains the contents of God’s salvific acts in the story and further discusses the meaning of salvation from the Pentateuch’s compositional
strategy. Third, the essay synthesizes the study’s findings and compares them to the New Testament’s explanation of the subject of salvation. The study explains the meaning of salvation in the Pentateuch as follows: people who served other gods in the alien land are relocated to the land of Yhwh’s sanctuary by the grace of Yhwh and serve the Lord. Further, the Pentateuch’s compositional strategy persuades that one should perceive the event of Exodus as a part of God’s ultimate vision for the salvation of humanity and his passion for presiding over the lives of the saved people by requiring their holiness. This essay reveals that the outcome of the research is essentially no different from the New Testament’s message
of salvation. The particular contribution of this essay is first to reveal the message of salvation from the Pentateuch’s own words and then confirm the echoes in the New Testament. Thus, concerning Christian understanding of the concept of salvation, this methodology could assist
readers in understanding the Pentateuch’s own teaching without conflict.
본 연구는 출애굽에 나타난 구원이라는 개념을 오경의 구성적 전략에 관심을 두며 풀어낸다. 이를 위해 오경 내 적절한 본문의 탐색, 본문에 나타난 구원의 내용과 구성적 관점에서의 함의, 그리고 연구결과의 신약적 비교설명 및 크리스천적 적용을 논하여, 그 결과가 신약에서 말하는 주요 구원의 메시지와 차이가 없음을 논하였다. 신약으로 구약을 읽어낸 것이 아닌 오경 자체의 목소리로 말한 구원 메시지는 크리스천들이 무리 없이 받아들일 수 있을 것이다.
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고객센터 1599-3122
ARS번호+1번(회원가입 및 정보수정)