산후풍에 관한 국내 한의학 임상연구동향 분석 = Analysis of Clinical Research Trends on Interventions of Korean Medicine for Sanhupung (産後風)
Objectives: Sanhupung is not completed golden standards of diagnosis therefore doctors dignose through symptoms and signs of patients in clinic same as progress of treatment. The present study explored studies directed at the trends of Korean medicine in the treatment of Sanhupung. Methods: We searched clinical studies about Korean medicine of Sanhupung from the OASIS (Korean Medicine Information System), RISS (Research Information Sevice System), KISS (Korean studies Information Service System), DBpia, www.koreantk.com (January 2000 to September 2017). Results: 38 papers were selected from studies. The number of the thesis published based on the publication trend from 2001 to 2015 has presented 5 in 2001 and 2014, 4 in 2004, 3 in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2010, 2 in 2009 and 2014, and 1 in 2015. Analysis of the published Journals of Clinical study with regard to postpartum syndrome indicates that 26 articles, the highest amount, were published in The Journal of Oriental Gynecology. Analysis of the Journals demonstrates that the number of patients who were the subject for the clinical research on the postpartum syndrome were 1 patient in 21 articles, 2 in 3, 3 in 1, 10-49 in 4, 50-100 in 7, and above 100 in 2. Kihyulheoyack, weakened energy symptom, was reported the most with 11 cases from reports identifying the diseases from the case reports. The most used herbal medicine prescription are Gami-sanghwa-tang, Bohun-tang-gami, and Hwanggikyejiomul-tang in 3 cases respectively. For the evaluation index, VAS (12 cases) and EPDS (9 cases) were utilized the most. Having used BMI, DITI, ODI, MMPI, SF-MPQ, BMD, etc. shows that mental evaluation is also considered as well as physical evaluation. Conclusions: To sum up, Korean medicine has been shown as effective on Sanhupung. But it seems necessary in the future to improve the papers in these repects for the development of Korean medicine Sanhupung treatment with a good basis through the more systematic and accurate study method.
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