단락의 뜻매김에 관한 연구 = A Study on Concept of the Paragraph
정달영 (大眞大學校 國文學科 國語學)
This study analyzes the problem concerning the concept of the paragragh shown in korean rhetoric literature and lays emphasis on the improvement of it. That is to say, the main focuses are how does the concept of the paragraph defined in several rhetoric literatures influence the Korea composition theory, and what are its problems.
Moon Duk-su(1964) introduced the concept of the paragraph in Korean rhetoric literature, and made us aware of the importance of systematic writing. But he didn't express it definitely. he didn't separate paragraphs from sentences or other similar structures. Particularly, it is a problem to accept a sentence paragraph in explaining the meaning of paragraphs. Moon in 1968 partially amended the concept of the paragraph taught by him in 1964. It is noted that nothing was said about the possibility of a sentence paragraph. This study clearly describes the concept of the paragraph compared with Moon's(1964). Moon in 1982 amended his 1964, 68 view and widely discussed and explained the concepts of the paragraph. He accepted the paragraph style. If the paragraph was written in indention, it is a paragraph This shows the corret understanding about the concept of the paragraph is not fixed.
Seo Jeong-su(l970) correctly described the concept of the paragraph. He definitely defined the concept of the paragraph in several ways; like structure, function, style and meaning. Seo(1974) introduced the paragraph and the specialized paragraph and defined the concept of the paragraph. Seo treated the mixed problem of style and quotation marks in the concept of the paragraph. Writing the body of a letter after a quotation, he found it illogical to write in indention.
Kim Bong-gun's(l980) big problem concerning the concept of the paragraph is to accept a sentence paragraph. Cho Byeong-choon's(l982) concept of the paragraph almost followed and described Moon Duk-su's. He didn't correctly explain the concept of the paragraph, rather made it indistinct.
Howang Hee-yong and others in 1982 in explaining the concept of the paragraph almost equaled Seo Jung-su's(l974) explanation. Lee young-nam and others(1982) made the form of changing a line appear as a verse like worinch'ongangchigok for parafraph classification, which is aproblem.
Choi(1987) translated an English book into Korean that logically explains the concept of the paragraph in many ways. This essentially agrees with Seo (1970,74,85,91) who synthetically described the concept of the paragraph.
The above is the contents of the study. In this regard, the concept of the paragraph in Korean rhetoric literature must be correctially and logically set up. Several Writers differently describe the concept of the paragraph in Korean rhetoric literature. Writers confused the concept of the paragraph. If the concept of the paragraph is not definitely described, it is difficult to write thoughtfully and logilly.
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