中等敎員의 現職敎育에 關한 硏究 = A Study on the In-service Education in Secondary School Teachers
任昌元 (圓光大學校 敎育行政專攻)
The purpose of this study was to fine an improving measure for in-service education in secondary school teachers.
The method employed in the study was:
1) to analyse reference books and to review theoretical background concerning the pre and in-service education in secondary school teacher.
2) to compare the systems of pre and in-service education in secondary school teachers of our country with those of other countries.
3) to analyse the present status of in-service education in seconary school teachers and to clarify problems through interview.
In lines with the above research process, conclusions and results were identified as follows:
1) In-service education in secondary school teachers should be enriched to the equal level with pre-service education.
2) The various facilities for in-service education should be completely equipped and attached professor for in-service education institute should be employed.
3) In-service education program have to consider to meet such variables as individuality, each characteristics of community and teacher's need.
4) Opportunities for in-service education should be more frequently provided.
5) For the purpose of efficient in-service education, various instruction-learning materials should be developed and the process of in-service educational curriculum should be specified.
6) The curriculum of in-service education should be organized suitably in relation with individual differences of teachers.
7) In-service education program should be organized so as to cultivate higher teaching profession.
8) For the improvement of in-service education, such various teaching methods as lecture, questions, conversation, discussion, problem solving and project methods should be utilized.
9) The opportunity for in-service education should be prepared in any time and any place.
10) Evaluation of teacher's achievement must have deep validity and high reliability.
11) Teachers who completed the course of an in-service education and who take an excellent achievement should be given such incentives as higher pay, the benifits of personal management and aquisition of higher status in schools.
In connection with above conclusions and results of the study, some suggestions may be summarized as follows:
1) Political interests concerning life-long education should be requested.
2) Graduate schools of educatio should be managed much more efficiently for an in-service education institute as wall as pre-service education.
3) Teacher's center attached to Korean Teachers Association should be established and managed.
4) In-service education in secondary school teachers should be devied separatedly up middle school teachers and high school ones each other.
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