청말 新政期 동북 자원관리체제 확립과 鑛政機構의 설치(1905~1911) = The Establishment of the Resources Management System and the installation of mining organization in the northeast frontier in the New Policy period of late Qing Dynasty (1905-1911)
송인주 (서강대학교)
This paper aims to investigate the establishment of a resource management system and the installation of mining organization in the northeast region of the Qing Dynasty before and after the New Policy of Guangxu era in the late Qing Dynasty. After the Boxer Rebellion, the Qing Dynasty tried to establish a modern nation-state syste. In addition, Qing empire tried to establish a modern resource management system through the establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce(農工商部), The department of encouragement of industry(勸業道), and the distribution of The Mining Acts of Great Qing Empire(大淸鑛務章程) .
The Qing empire tried to reorganize the northeast frontier ruling system by promoting the Northeast New Government in the northeast border area as well. In the late 19th century, the imperialist powers such as Russia and Japan tried to develop mining resources in Manchuria, and as the Qing Dynasty's blockade policy(封禁政策) in Manchuria collapsed, Han-Chinese immigrants illegally mined gold in Jilin and Heilongjiang and became ‘Gold Bandits(金匪)’. In response to this, the Qing Dynasty authorities strengthened the management of mining resources by establishing a mining organization during the New Dynasty of the Northeast.
The Qing strengthened national mine management by The establishing Mining Research Bureau(鑛政調査局) and The department of encouragement of industry(勸業道) in the northeast region to newly investigate mines in Manchuria, implementing a mine development permit system for merchants, and mediating disputes over mine interests. In addition, in the case of gold mines and coal mines in Jilin and Heilongjiang, the local authorities of the Qing Dynasty directly developed and managed the mines and collected the mine tax. Through this, the Qing Dynasty actively developed the mineral resources of the Northeast region and tried to protect the “resource sovereignty” of the Northeast region.
The Qing's establishment of mining equipment and the strengthening of mine management show that the Qing's mechanism of resource management in the northeast region has changed. Until the 19th century, the Qing Dynasty implemented a policy of enshrinement, revering the northeast frontier as the birthplace of the imperial family and Manchus. However, when the control of the northeast border faced a crisis in late Qing, the blockade policy(封禁政策) was discarded and an active development policy was implemented to strengthen the control of the border.
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