“트루도 딜레마”에 대한 영국의 외교적 대응 (1968-1974) = Britain`s Diplomatic Response to the “Trudeau Dilemma” 1968-1974
KCI 피인용횟수
This article seeks to explore the reaction and response of the British government, in particular the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, in relation to the anti-monarchist stance of Canada`s Pierre Trudeau administration during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The principle of the ‘Divisibility of the Crown’ had enabled the British monarch to also reign contemporaneously as the monarch of Canada and of other such Commonwealth Realms after their separation from the British Empire after World War II. But the status of Queen Elizabeth II - dominantly regarded as Queen of the United Kingdom rather than anything else - as Queen of Canada was regarded by Pierre Trudeau as a core reason for the French Canadians of Quebec in wishing to secede from Canada and to enhance their own cultural identity. Consequently, Trudeau attempted to minimize the presence of the Queen by transferring most of her constitutional responsibilities as Canadian monarch to the Canadian-born Governor-General. As a nation which wanted to maintain significant influence in world affairs by way of the British Queen`s connection with Commonwealth realms and with other Commonwealth member states, Britain naturally preferred that Canada retain Queen Elizabeth as their monarch. Instead of taking an active role in persuading the Canadians to keep their Queen - for fear of being accused of meddling in Canadian internal affairs - the British Foreign Office felt that the role played by the Canadian monarchy in deterring the growing Americanization of Canadian society was valued highly by the Canadians. Therefore they decided that Trudeau`s plan to use anti-monarchist policies to hold the Canadian nation together would backfire by itself without any effort on the part of the British government. Trudeau`s defeat in the October 1972 General Election did indeed force him to make groveling gestures to Queen Elizabeth in order to pacify the anger of the English Canadians. However, Trudeau decided to use this political disadvantage as an opportunity to strengthen his political hand by invoking his constitutional relationship to the Queen. He asked her to attend the 1973 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Ottawa despite the objections of the British Prime Minister, Edward Heath. Within the British Foreign Office, the diplomats of the North America Department were furious that Trudeau would be so opportunistic in his approach to the Queen. Therefore they argued that Canada should be forced to bear the cost of maintaining its monarchy if it wished to use its relationship with the Queen to counter the wishes of the British government - which bore the bulk of the cost needed to support the Royal Family - in relation to Commonwealth matters. However, the officials in the Commonwealth Coordination Department retorted that raising this topic with the Canadians would bring forth unwelcome questions about the Queen`s position as Head of the Commonwealth. It would also damage close relations with a key ally at a time when Britain, with its new membership of the European Economic Community, should be reassuring its traditional allies of Britain`s continued support and friendship. With such splits within the Foreign Office, Britain was unable to produce an effective, coherent approach towards further anti-monarchist positions undertaken in Canada.
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2005-10-08 | 학술지등록 | 한글명 : 서양사론외국어명 : The Western History Review | KCI등재 |
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