죽음과 임종환자 간호에 대한 간호사와 간호학생의 태도 조사연구 = A study of the attitudes of nurse and nursing students towards death and dying patients
This study was to identyfy attitudes of nurses and nursing students towards death and dying patients. A questionnaire to measure attitudes toward death and dying patients was given to 173 nurses and 146 nursing students in a baccalaurate nursing program.
The data were analyzed by the percentage, x^2-test using SPSS computer program.
The results of the present study were follows :
1. The general meaning of death : In response to the question of the first time when you meet death, 57.6% of respondents replied over 10 years. (p<.05) when the respondents were asked how your family mention the issue of death, when you were young, 42.9 % respondents replied that I don't have any memory of talking about death. (p<.05). The 90.6% of respondents felt that was natural process. (p<.05) The 45.8% of respondents think that the fundamental cause of the increase in death during the past fifty years is environmental pollution (air pollution). There was a statistically significant difference between nurses and nursing students(p<.005)
2. The 43.7% of respondents wanted to help dying patient about nursing patient at their death beds. (p<.005)
3. The 26.6% of respondents replied that the motive for thinking about death was watching the signs of the death of a family. (p<.0005)
4. Elements concerned with the attitudes toward death : when the respondents were asked what has most influnced your present attitude toward death, 32.9% respondents replied that my own contemplation on it. (p<.005)
5. In the contents with included the nursing care planning for the desperate patient, the 26.3% of respondents to maintain their dignity, respect, and humanity, (p<.0000) and when the respondents were asked how have you treated desperate patients 46.7%, respondents replied they has talked a lot with them and paid every attention to any slight thing. (p<.0005) In 52. 1% respondents replied that the seperation of desperate patients from other patientsb is a good way for them and another patients as well. (p<.0000)
6. Respones to dialogues with patients about death: For the question that you should inform desperate patients of their inpending death, the 61.4% of respondents replied up to the situation, the 34.8% of respondents replied "yes". (p<.05)
For the question of that your feeling when you told the desperate patients about their death, 65.5% of respondents replied that they have not experienced, 18.6% of respondents answered that I hoped not to do it again because of the heavy burden. (0<.05)
7. Response to the pain of desperate patients: The 45.5% respondents replied that psychological and physical pain in the process of death were the most difficult suffering, (p<.0000) 59.9% respondents replied fear of death were the most difficult. (p<.0000) 62.7% respondents replied that they shoed to their best to apply only reasonable ways according to their physical condition about the ways of threatment of desperate patients. (p<.0005)
8. In the response to question that what you will do for the family of the patient on patient deathbed "I shall leave them alone with understanding" was 63.0%. There was a statistically significant difference between nurses and nursing students. (p<.005)
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