초등학교 특기,적성 교육의 일환으로서의 무용 활동에 관한 만족도 및 활성화 방안 = A Study on the Satisfaction and the Activation of the Dancing Education for the Speciality and the Aptitude in Elementary Schools
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This study aims at examining and finding out the satisfaction about the speciality aptitude education(SAE) of dancing in elementary schools and the plans for its activation through conducting a questionnaire survey of 344 students in 12 elementary schools operating SAE activities in Jeollabuk-do about the satisfaction level and the activation plans for dancing department education activities. In order to accomplish the study purpose, the research conducted the survey according to sex, location of schools, size of total classes of schools, and school grade. In addition the researcher surveyed the effective management plans for activating the dancing department and degree of satisfaction about it. The summarized results are as the following. First: among the SAE activities in elementary schools, as the kinds of dances which were instructed in the dancing department, the dance sport were found be most high as 39.2% followed by the ballet 36.0%, modern dance 16.9%, jazz dance 4.1%, Korean dance 2.3%, hip-hop dance 0.6%, aerobics 0.6% and folk dance 0.3%. Kinds of dances adopted according to the location of schools, it was found that in large cities, the jazz dance was instructed, in middle and small cities the dance sport was instructed and in towns and villages, the ballet was instructed. In participated dances by sex, it showed that the female preferred the dance sport while the male preferred the hip-hop dance. In participated dances by the school grade, it showed that first and second graders preferred the ballet, and students not less than the third grade were learning the dance sport. In participated dances by the size of total classes, schools with not more than 6 classes were found to have the ballet class more than others, and schools with not less than 18 classes were found to have the sport dance classes more than others so the statistically significant difference showed. Second: as the most preferred dance among dances for activating the dancing department, the sport dance were selected most as 36.9% followed by the ballet 28.5%, jazz 12.5%, modern dance 11.6%, hip-hop dance 4.4%, Korean dance 2.6%, aerobics 1.7%, folk dance 0.9% and others 0.9%. In middle and small cities and countries(guns), the dance sport showed higher than other groups, and in towns and villages(myeons), ballet, and in large cities, the Korean dance showed higher than other groups. This showed the statistically significant difference. In addition the female preferred the dance sport than the male, while the male showed more preference than the male for the ballet. First graders showed more preference than other graders for the ballet, while students in not less than the second grade showed higher preference than other graders for the dance sport, so this showed the statistically significant difference. According to the size of the total classes of schools, schools with not more than 6 classes showed higher level of the ballet instruction than others, and schools of 7-12 classes and schools with not more than 18 classes had more dance classes than others, so it showed the statistically significant difference. As important factors for activating the dancing department, expansion of instruction time was selected most highly as 27.3% followed by change of parents` perception 25.0%, need of superior instructors 23.3%, establishment of desired departments 12.5%, others 9.9% and improvement of university entrance system 2.0%. In addition, in large cities, change of parents` perception showed the highest level, while in middle and small cities, expansion of instruction time showed the highest level. And also in countries and towns and villages, establishment of desired departments showed higher than other groups so it indicated the statistically significant difference. Third: in the degree of satisfaction and perception about dancing activities in SAE according to sex and the location of schools, there was no difference between the male and the female, an
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