유아기 자녀를 둔 결혼이민자 가정 어머니의 부모교육 요구에 관한 연구
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본 연구는 유아기 자녀를 둔 결혼이민자 가정 어머니의 부모교육 요구를 조사하고, 출신국가, 한국생활기간, 월평균 소득수준에 따라 어떠한지를 알아보는 데 목적이 있다. 출신국가에 따른 부모교육 요구를 범주별로 살펴본 결과, 유아의 습관형성 범주에서 유아의 문제행동을 고치는 방법, 어머니의 한국적응 범주에서 어머니의 한국어 교육, 어머니의 한국 문화에 대한 교육, 어머니의 스트레스 해소에 관한 내용, 한국의 가족관계 이해에 대한 교육에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 한국생활기간에 따른 부모교육 요구를 범주별로 살펴본 결과, 유아의 양육과 건강 범주에서 유아의 건강진단과 아플 때 간호하는 방법, 유아의 안전사고와 위급한 상황에 조치하는 방법, 유아의 영양에 대한 지식과 바른 식사습관을 갖게 하는 방법, 어머니의 한국적응 범주에서 어머니의 한국어 교육에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 월평균 소득수준에 따른 부모교육 요구를 범주별로 살펴본 결과, 유아의 양육과 건강 범주에서 유아의 건강진단과 아플 때 간호하는 방법, 유아의 발달 범주에서 유아의 성격과 사회성 발달에 관한 내용, 유아의 창의성 발달에 대한 내용, 부모와 유아간의 의사소통 범주에서 유아와 효과적으로 대화하는 방법, 유아가 다른 사람의 말을 귀기울여 듣는 태도를 갖게 하는 방법, 자녀교육 방법 범주에서 유아가 실생활을 통해 배울 수 있도록 가르치는 방법, 어머니의 한국적응 범주에서 어머니의 여가활동에 대한 정보 및 교육, 어머니의 직업에 대한 정보 및 교육에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다.
더보기The purpose of this study is to survey the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children and how it varies depending on country of origin, length of stay in Korea and monthly average income. To achieve the purposes as above, this study was carried out on the following research questions.1. What is the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children?2. How does the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children vary depending on variables?2-1. How does the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children vary depending on their country of origin?2-2. How does the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children vary depending on the length of stay in Korea?2-3. How does the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children vary depending on monthly average income?The subjects of this study are 123 mothers of married immigrant families with 3-5-year-old children going to the public․private kindergartens located in 17 cities and counties across Gangwon-do. Their countries of origin include China, the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan. As for a research tool, a questionnaire form ‘Need for Parental education’ made by Yoon, So-Young (2002) was modified and supplemented on the basis of the results of interviews with subjects for the purpose of this study. As for data processing, to find out the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children, frequency and percentage were calculated. Furthermore, to analyze the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children according to variables(country of origin, length of stay in Korea and monthly average income), test was conducted. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children was examined and as a result, the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with children is high in the following categories; how to take measures in emergency situations and safety accidents, knowledge on child nutrition and how to let children have proper eating habit in the category of child health and raising; information on brain development of children in the category of children development; how to effectively communicate with children in the category of communication between parents and children; how to correct the maladaptive behavior of children in the category of child habit formation; and information on married immigrant family support and how to use it in the category of mothers’ adaptation to Korea. Second, the need for parental education of the mothers of married immigrant families with young children depending on the variables - country of origin, length of stay in Korea and monthly average income - was examined. Based on the results, the following conclusions have been derived. 1. The need for parental education according to country of origin was examined by category and as a result, there are significant differences in how to correct the maladaptive behavior of children in the category of child habit formation; and Korean education for mothers, Korean culture eduction for mothers, information on how to relieve stress for mothers, education on understanding of family relationship in Korea in the category of mothers’ adaptation to Korea. Regarding how to correct the maladaptive behavior of children in the category of child habit formation, the need for parental education of the mothers from China and the Philippines turned out to be relatively higher than that of the mothers from Japan and Vietnam. Regarding Korean education for mothers in the category of mothers’ adaptation to Korea, the need for parental education of the mothers from Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan turned out to be relatively higher than that of the mothers from China. Regarding Korean culture education for mothers and education on understanding of family relationship in Korea, the need for parental education of the mothers from Vietnam and the Philippines turned out to be relatively higher than that of the mothers from China and Japan. Regarding information on how to relieve stress for mothers, the need for parental education of the mothers from Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan turned out to be relatively higher than that of the mothers from China.2. The need for parental education according to the length of stay in Korea was examined by category and as a result, there are significant differences in how to check children’s health and care for sick children, how to take measures in emergency situations and safety accidents of children, knowledge on child nutrition and how to let children have proper eating habit in the category of child raising and health; in Korean education for mothers in the category of mothers’ adaptation to Korea. Regarding how to check children’s health and care for sick children, how to take measures in emergency situations and safety accidents of children, knowledge on child nutrition and how to let children have proper eating habit in the category of child raising and health, the need for parental education of the mothers who stayed in Korea less than 6 years turned out to be relatively higher than those who stayed for more than 6 years to less than 9 years and those who stayed more than 9 years. Regarding Korean education for mothers in the category of mothers’ adaptation to Korea, the need for parental education of the mothers who stayed in Korea less than 6 years turned out to be relatively higher than those who stayed for more than 6 years to less than 9 years and those who stayed more than 9 years.3. The need for parental educat
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