학교유형이 학생들의 공감 및 사회적 능력에 미치는 영향 = The Effects of School Types(coeducation and non-coeducation) on Empathy and Social Competences
This study is to find out which type of school is more effective for students to develop their empathy and social competences through comparing and analyzing young students' level of empathy and social competences by their school types. To achieve this purpose, the comparative analysis between those middle school students who attend schools for both sexes and those who attend non-coeducational schools on their level of empathy and social competences. A questionnaire survey was conducted, on total of 224 Second Year Middle School Students in Seoul, including 103 students attending coeducational schools and 121 students attending non-coeducational schools, to analyze students' level of empathy and social competences.
The results are as follows;
1. There were differences in the level of students' empathy. As a whole, coeducational school students showed higher level of sympathy than those who attend non-coeducational schools (coeducational M = 32.62, non-coeducational M = 30.84). In case of male students the results are noticeable as those who attend coeducation school students (M=33.91) showed more marks than those non-coeducational school students (M=32.62). In case of female students the results are those who attend non-coeducation school students (M=34.91) showed more marks than those coeducational school students (M=33.48).
2. As results of the comparative analysis on their social competences by school types, there were little differences due to the minor factors but did not show meaningful statistical figures (coeducational MI53.65, non-coeducational M=156.40, p>. 05).
In case of male students, excluding the personal relation adaptability rest of the areas of minor factors (such as sociability, ability to participate, leadership and degrees of popularity) showed the coeducational schools marked higher than the non-coeducational school students. In case of female students, coeducational school students showed higher marks in the areas of sociability, ability to participate, and personal relation adaptability, while non-coeducational students marked higher in the areas of degrees of popularity and leadership, but those as for each group, the results had fail to provide meaningful figures.
The adolescent period is the times when deliberate efforts are made for positioning or repositioning identity through their previous experiences and plan their parts of the futures. It is also important to construct their self-identity, as well as to accept new environment and culture during that period. Through natural interactions between two sexes, joining and modeling social and cultural characteristics, their understanding of social relation, obligation, and right as well as understanding and consideration of cultural ability are to come out of the fixed idea, learning about advantages of both male and female while developing common and unselfishness of social ability will provide appropriate school environment.
본 연구는 학교유형에 따른 청소년기 학생들의 공감수준과 사회적 능력의 비교분석을 통하여 어떠한 학교유형이 공감과 사회적 능력발달에 더 효과적인 환경인가에 대하여 알아보고자 한다. 이러한 연구복적을 달성하기 위하여 남녀공학과 비공학에 재학중인 중학생들의 공감과 사회적 능력의 차이를 분석하였다. 서울시에 소재한 중학교 2학년 학생들 중 남녀공학에 재학중인 학생 103명과 비공학에 재학중인 학생 121명 총 224명을 대상으로 하여 질문지법에 의해 공감과 사회적 능력을 측정하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 학교유형별로 학생들의 공감수준에 차이가 있다. 전체적으로 남녀공학 학생들이 비공학 학생들보다 공감수준이 높게 나타났다(남녀공학 M=153.65, 비공학 M=156.40, p>. 05). 남학생의 경우, 대인적응성을 제외하고 나머지 사회적 능력의 하위요인(사교성, 사회참여도, 주도성, 인기도)들은 모두 남녀공학이 비공학 학생들보다 높은 점수를 나타냈고, 여학생의 경우 사교성과 대인적응성, 사회적 참여는 남녀공학이 더 높은 점수를 보여주었고, 주도성과 인기도는 비공학기 더 높게 나타났으나 이러한 집단간의 차이는 모두 통계적으로 유의미한 결과를 보여주지 못했다. 청소년기는 자아정체감을 확립하고 새로운 환경에 대한 적응과 신체변화와 함께 정서적인 변화를 수용하고 변화하는 환경에 대한 적응과 조화를 이루어야 하는 시기이다. 학교에서의 자연스런 상호작용을 통해 남녀간의 사회적, 정서적 특성들을 공유하고 모델링 하면서 그들의 사회적 관계, 권리, 의무 등에 대한 인식과 함께 인지적 능력 뿐 아니라 정서적 능력에 대한 서로간의 이해와 배려는 성역할에 대한 고정관념을 탈피하고 남녀간의 장점을 배우면서 공감과 이타적인 사회적 능력을 발달시키는데 더 적절한 학교환경이 될 것이다.
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