조선전기 王妃 加封胎室에 관한 연구
KCI 피인용횟수
이 논문은 조선전기 왕비 3인의 태실에 대한 연구이다. 신라시대부터 간헐적으로 전승되어 온 장태습속은 조선시대에 들어 특별한 사유가 없으면 재위한 모든 王과 王孫들의 태실이 설치되었다. 이 중에서 세자가 왕위에 오르면 아기태실에 많은 석물을 더하여 나말여초기의 八角圓球型浮屠와 같은 중앙석물을 설치하고 주변에는 왕릉의 난간석과 같은 형태의 석물을 더하여 가봉태실을 조성하였다. 그런데 독특하게도 조선전기의 일부 왕비에게 이러한 가봉태실을 조성하는 예가 확인되고 있다.
태실이 조선후기로 오면서 관리의 소홀로 붕괴되거나 李王職에서 西三陵域으로 이봉하면서 왕의 가봉태실이 인위적으로 대부분 파괴되었고, 소헌왕후와 폐비윤씨의 태실도 파괴되어 원형을 추정하기가 어려운 정도이다. 정희왕후는 가봉되었는지, 아기태실로 남은 것인지도 명확히 연구되지 않은 상황이다. 또한 연구자간에 왕비의 태실지 위치가 다르고, 태실 주인공도 혼선이 있어 왔으며 문헌 간에도 동일한 태실을 다른 왕비의 태실로 기술하는 경우도 있어 왔다. 그리고 왕족이 아닌 士大夫家출신의 딸들이 어떻게 경북 영주 소백산, 강원 홍천 공작산, 경북 예천 용문사에 각기 장태되었고, 왜 이 지역이 장태지로 선정되었는지도 규명되지 않았다.
본 연구에서는 이러한 문제들에 대하여 문헌과 고고자료를 바탕으로 살펴보고자 하였다.
This article examines the queen’s Placenta Chamber (Taesil) in the early Choseon period. Jangtae convention that has been passed down since the Silla period started to establish Pacenta Chamber for the king and his crown prince in the later Goryeo period. In the Joseon period, a Placenta Chamber was established not only for the king, but for his children as well. In addition, another procedure called “Gabong” had to be underwent for the king who was on the throne and a baby Placenta Chamber was magnificently built with stone monuments. However, some exceptional examples that even the queen’s Placenta Chamber that had underwent the procedure of “Gabong” in the early Joseon period can be found. These examples include the Queen Soheon who was the wife of King Sejong, and the queen Yun, Seongjong’s royal concubine who had been expelled from the palace.
The Queen Soheon was born in Yangju, Gyeonggido. The baby placenta that was buried here was moved to Yeongjusi for the process of ‘Gabong’ and it was known as the Placenta Chamber of the King Choongryeol during the Japanese colonial era. However, it was demonstrated to be untrue based on bibliographic data. In the case of the Queen Jeonghee, it was demonstrated that the Queen Jeonghee was born when Yoongyeon was appointed as Hongcheonhyeongam, and that the baby placenta was buried in Gongjaksan. Also, it was seen that as Sejo himself did not let his baby placenta chamber to go under “Gabong” process and instead, he ordered only the tombstone to be built, he left the baby placenta chamber of the Queen Jeonghee as it is. As for the location of the Placenta Chamber, when the name of the place and the geographical features are taken into account, the small mountaintop on the west side of Deokjicheon across today’s Sutasa was seen as Taebongsan. The Placenta Chamber of queen Yun who had been expelled seemed to have been moved to the present location for “Gabong” after she became the queen. This Placenta Chamber was moved to Seosamneungyeok by Lee Wangjik during the Japanese colonial era. Also, this Placenta Chamber was mistaken as the Placenta Chamber of the Queen Soheon in the late Joseon period and Yongmunsa has been receiving a favor of being exempted of miscellaneous services due to this Placenta Chamber.
The queen’s Placenta Chamber in the early Joseon period was examined as above. The present article attempted to investigate the facts concerning the Placenta Chamber based on bibliographic as well as relic data. Nevertheless, the study was unable to discover the ideological background for explaining why the Placenta Chamber of the queens of King Sejong and King Seongjong were the only ones that underwent the process of ‘Gabong’ and why it cannot be observed in other periods. Such questions remain for further investigation for future studies on the Placenta Chamber.
연월일 | 이력구분 | 이력상세 | 등재구분 |
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2003-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) | KCI후보 |
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