박병섭, 『삼성기 전』 상하편에 숨겨진 사실들 = Secret Truths on Samseonggi (two volumes)
In Samseonggi (two volumes) from Hwandan Gogi, Ⅰ. printed books exist type1 in year 1979 original book kept at The National Library of Korea, type2 in year 1979 original book kept at Sookmyung women`s university Library, and type3 original book which unknown published is one and the same as type1 of original book kept at Dongguk university Library both Seoul and Gyeongju, Chonnam National University Library, and Korea University Library. In part Ⅱ, There is not much difference between type 1 and type 2 in Samseonggi (two volumes). According to Ⅲ-1, unknown publisher in Hwandangogi, shows An Ham-lo is a person who is in the Jumong King of the Goguryeo Dynasty and Won Dong-jung is a person who is in the Balhae Dynasty. 2. Copy type 1 and type 2 in Hwandangogi were continued by person Yi Am, Yi Mac, Yi Gi, Uncho Gye Yeon-su, in year 1949 they reprinted and year 1979 they restored Hwandangogi by preson name Yi Yu-rip and his associate and Hwandangogi became two different type 1 and type 2. 3. In contents of books, Samseonggi (two volumes) is story in the Genealogy line of ancient Korea kingdoms: called Hwan-guk(3301 years, 7 generations of Hwanin), Baedal-guk(1565 years, 18 generations of Hwanung), Gojoseon(2096 years, 47 generations of Dangun rulers, Dangun Segi), Goguryeo. The relationship between Main-Kingdom and support-Kingdoms is lines as the relationship of Hwan-guk civilization and Sumer civilization, the relationship between Chiwoo Hwanung civilization in Baedal-guk and Hernwon civilization in ancient China, the relationship between Dakun Gojoseon civilization and ancient Japan king civilization. This relationship in Samseonggi (two volumes) are mutual support and repeat again and again. 4. Some historians claim Hwandangogi created in nowadays. Yi Yu-rip`s restored the copy to constitute relationship between Main Genealogy and Branches lineage, but he did not forge the books. Samseonggi (two volumes) have the Hwandanian conception of history. Passing stories of Samseonggi (two volumes) down from generation to generation need three element, Budomun Letter made of totem signs and maps, Sexagenary cycle made of ten heaven-sign and twelve earth-sign, and oral tradition of Narration. For example, `男女平權; the equality of men and women`, `父權; paternal rights` mean not words from modern society, but the equality among man and woman, young and old in Hwan-guk[ancient state], that consists of four groups of sons[young male], daughters[young female], fathers[old male], mothers[old female]. Main contents is real narration about relationship between King and three main assistant, for example the main Heaven King called Hwanung [ancestor founder of Josean] and his third assistant king called Hernwon [ancestor founder of Han]. 5. The values and sense of Samseonggi (two volumes) are the Hwandanian conception of history, that consist of our world view about our Genealogy, relationship between Our Main Lineage and branch Neighborhood in pre-modern society. In Ⅳ. Reference, Samseonggi (two volumes) has 15 different style in 2 type, which can be referenced, beside ancient Korea, China, Japan, etc historical study book.
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