Direct Headspace Sampling 방법을 이용한 당근의 휘발성 Terpenoids 분석에 관한 연구 = Studies on Measuring Volatile Terpenoids in Carrots Using the Direct Headspace Sampling Method
박용 ; 류장발 ; 박상규 ; 박신 ; Park, Yong ; Ryu, Jang-Bal ; Park, Sang-Gyu ; Park, Shin
Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem)(Applied Biological Chemistry)
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고품질 당근을 육성하기 위한 연구의 일환으로 당근의 휘발성 terpenoids를 GC 분석으로 측정하였다. 여러가지 휘발성 terpenoids 표준물질을 DHS(direct headspace sampling)방법으로 검출한 결과 ${\alpha}-pinene$, ${\beta}-pinene$, ${\beta}-myrcene$, ${\alpha}-terpinene$, limonene, ${\gamma}-terpinene$, terpinolene 의 7가지 성분이 명확히 분리되었으나, ${\alpha}-phellandrene$은 ${\beta}-myrcene$으로부터 분리되지 않았다. 또한 terpinen-4-ol, bornyl acetate, ${\alpha}-bisbolol$ 등 비등점이 높은 물질은 검출되지 않았다. 검출된 7가지 terpenoids 성분의 표준곡선은 결정계수$(r^2)$가 전부 0.99 이상으로서 고도로 유의한 표준곡선이었다. DHS 방법을 통한 본실험의 재현성을 측정한 결과, ${\alpha}-pinene$, ${\beta}-pinene$, ${\beta}-myrcene$, limonene, ${\gamma}-terpinene$, terpinolene, total terpenoids의 변이 계수(C.V.)가 각각 6.8, 6.8, 8.4, 7.1, 3.8, 10.1, 7.1%로 $3.8{\sim}10.1%$의 범위를 나타내었다. 세계적으로 많이 재배되는 당근 65품종에 대한 ${\alpha}-pinene$, ${\beta}-pinene$, ${\beta}-myrcene$, ${\alpha}-terpinene$, limonene, ${\gamma}-terpinene$, terpinolene, total terpenoids를 측정한 결과, 각각 $0.28{\sim}2.48\;ppm$, $0.35{\sim}1.87\;ppm$, $0.56{\sim}1.51\;ppm$, 0 ppm, $0.59{\sim}1.84\;ppm$, $0.87{\sim}3.33\;ppm$, $5.15{\sim}35.81\;ppm$, $9.07{\sim}42.30\;ppm$으로서 품종에 따라 상당한 차이를 보였다. Total terpenoids 의 경우 65품종 중 5품종(7.7%)이 10 ppm미만이고, 15품종(23.1%)이 $10{\sim}11.99\;ppm$, 14품종(21.5%)이 $12{\sim}13.99\;ppm$, 9품종(13.8%)이 $14{\sim}15.99\;ppm$, 10품종(15.4%)이 $16{\sim}17.99\;ppm$, 4품종(6.2%)이 $18{\sim}19.99\;ppm$, 5품종(7.7%)이 $20{\sim}29.99\;ppm$, 3품종(4.6%)이 30 ppm 이상이었다. 전반적으로 일본에서 육성된 품종이 구미에서 육성되어 보급되고 있는 품종들에 비해 total terpenoids 함량이 낮은 편이었다.
더보기Volatile terpenoids of carrots were measured by the direct headspace sampling method(DHS) with gas chromatography as a study for the breeding of high quality carrots. Using this method, 7 terpenoids such as ${\alpha}-pinene$, ${\beta}-pinene$, ${\beta}-myrcene$, ${\alpha}-terpinene$, limonene, ${\gamma}-terpinene$, and terpinolene were clearly separated. However ${\alpha}-phellandrene$ was not clearly separated from ${\beta}-myrcene$. In addition to this, higher boiling point compounds such as terpinen-4-ol, bornyl acetate, and ${\alpha}-bisbolol$ were not found. The coefficients of $determination(r^2)$ for the 7 terpenoids were higher than 0.99 and the standard curves were highly significant. Four replicated samples using this method demonstrated great reproducibility; the coefficidnt of variation (C.V.) for ${\alpha}-pinene$, ${\beta}-pinene$, ${\beta}-myrcene$, limonene, ${\gamma}-terpinene$, terpinolene, and total terpenoids were 6.8, 6.8, 8.4, 7.1, 3.8, 10.1, 7.1%. Sixty five carrot cultivars breeded worldwide were evaluated for the 7 terpenoids and total terpenoids; the range for ${\alpha}-pinene$, ${\beta}-pinene$, ${\beta}-myrcene$, ${\alpha}-terpinene$, limonene, ${\gamma}-terpinene$, terpinolene, and total terpenoids were $0.28{\sim}2.48\;ppm$, $0.35{\sim}1.87\;ppm$, $0.56{\sim}1.51\;ppm$, 0 ppm, $0.59{\sim}1.84\;ppm$, $0.87{\sim}3.33\;ppm$, $5.15{\sim}35.81\;ppm$, and $9.07{\sim}42.30\;ppm$, respectively. Big differences in each terpenoid and total terpenoids were found among cultivars. On the total terpenoids of the 65 cultivars, 5 cultivars(7.7%) contained less than 10 ppm, 15 cultivars (23.1%) $10{\sim}11.99\;ppm$, 14 cultivars(21.5%) $12{\sim}13.99\;ppm$, 9 cultivars(13.8%) $14{\sim}15.99\;ppm$, 10 cultivars(15.4%) $16{\sim}17.99\;ppm$, 4 cultivars(6.2%) $18{\sim}19.99\;ppm$, 5 cultivars(7.7%) $20{\sim}29.99\;ppm$, and 3 cultivars(4.6%) were higher than 30 ppm. Generally, cultivars developed in Japan contained less total terpenoids than cultivars developed in Europe and America.
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