탈구조주의 이론에 나타난 욕망과 이데올로기의 역학관계 = The Dynamic Relationship between Desire and Ideology in Post-Structuralistic Theory
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라깡을 포함한 대표적 탈구조주의자인 푸코, 알뛰세, 데리다 그리고 들뢰즈와 가타리가 욕망과 이데올로기에 대해 같은 입장을 공유하는가? 혹은 그렇지 않다면 그 관점의 차이는 무엇인가를 검토함으로써 이들의 욕망과 이데올로기의 역학 관계에 대한 인식을 살펴보았다. 이데올로기와 욕망의 역학 관계에 대한 관점에서 라깡, 푸코, 알뛰세 등과 들뢰즈는 공통된 인식과 상반된 인식을 동시에 보여준다. 이들의 언어, 주체, 이데올로기, 그리고 욕망과의 연관 관계를 분석해 본 결과 주체의 무의식과 욕망을 조건 짓는 기제와 경로에 대한 라깡, 푸코 그리고 알뛰세의 이해가 규칙과 공리들의 체계가 욕망의 순수한 흐름을 구속하는 강력한 힘이며 이를 오이디푸스적 구조라고 보는 들뢰즈와 인식의 궤를 같이 한다. 하지만 들뢰즈와 가타리를 제외한 대표적 탈구조주의자들은 본질적으로 주체의 욕망을 결여로 간주하고 이데올로기의 종착지로서 대상화되는 수동적 주체관을 보여주고 있으며, 이데올로기가 주체의 욕망을 생산하고 지배하는 절대적인 힘으로 작용하는 역학 관계를 보여주고 있다. 그러나 들뢰즈는 이데올로기가 욕망을 형성하는 억압적인 절대적 힘으로서 작용한다고 보는 이데올로기와 욕망의 역학 관계가 욕망의 본질을 다 설명해주지 못하는 것으로 보고 오히려 주체의 욕망을 새로운 이데올로기를 구성하는 강력한 힘으로서 규정하는 욕망과 이데올로기의 역학 관계를 보여주고 있다. 이와 같은 들뢰즈의 욕망과 이데올로기에 대한 관점은 주체를 사회 구조에 의해 자리 매김 당하는 하나의 종속 변수로 보는 구조주의적 관점과 지금까지 살펴본 다른 탈구조주의자의 관점과는 현저하게 다른 차이점을 보여주는 것이다.
더보기This essay aims at examining the dynamic relationship between desire and ideology by analyzing the theories of representative post-structuralistists such as Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Louis Althusser, and Deluze and Guattari. According to the point of view of Lacan, human subjects enter a pre-existing systems of signifiers which take on meanings only within a language system, ‘symbolic’. Lacan thinks that subject’s unconscious and desire consist of a symbolic language and so are constantly threatened and repressed by the ideology delivered to his or her unconscious by the language of a society. For Lacan, the phallocentrism is inseparable from the structure of the sign. The signifier, the phallus threatens both sexes with the ‘castration complex’. The repression of desire makes it possible for the subject to identify the morality, law, religion, symbolized as ‘patriarchal law’, and induces the development of a ‘super ago’ in the subject. However the repressed desire does not go away and remains in subject’s unconscious. So Lacan’s recognition about the desire of subject, that is, Lacanian model of interpellation shows pessimism about the possibility of resistance to the discursive power of ideology with the operation of ideological discourses in relation to subjectivity in subject’s unconscious. His theory is regarded as unduly pessimistic and thought to theorize desire in terms of ideological formations which don’t allow more readily for the possibility of resistance and subversion of dominant ideology, dominant discourses. Foucault and Althusser also show similar recognition about subject and ideology to Lacan. So these theories don’t explain how such new ideologies have emerged throughout history and how there have been a variety of types of subjects who have many different desires in our societies if subjects’ desires are totally created and governed by the ideologies in the subjects’ unconscious. Thus Lacan including Foucault and Althusser shows the dynamic relationship where subject’s desire is created and repressed by the ideology delivered by the dominant discourses in his or her society.
Deleuze and Guattari however look on subject’s desire as a complex, which is an entity coupling ‘product’ with ‘producing’ which means that even though it is true that desire is composed of symbolic language and strongly repressed by the ideology desire is not just controlled by ideology but a strong energy, that is to say, "libido" in his term, which can produce a new ideology in the field of a society where they live. For Deleuze and Guattari, desire produces and its product is real, and desire can produce only reality. And so desire is subject’s strong capability not to be contained by Oedipal anxiety but is a positive source of new beginnings: schizoanalysis means the liberation of desire. While a paranoiac unconscious desire ‘territorializes in terms of nation, family, church, school, etc, a schizophrenic one ’deterritorializes’, offering a subversion of these ideological totalities. These Two types of subjects show that Deleuze and Guattari admit that there exist not only a type of subject whose desire is strongly governed by the ideology in the society but also a type of subject whose desire produces a new ideology in the society. Thus Deleuze and Guattari shows more dynamic relationship between desire and ideology where a new ideology is created by subject’s desire in the very field of a society.
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