竹島자료공부회의 『메이지 10년 태정관 지령의 검증』에 대한 비판 = Criticism of ‘Verification of the Dajokan Order in the 10th year of Meiji’ by the Takeshima Documents Study Group
박병섭 (독도=다케시마 연구 Net)
① Based on Takashi Tsukamoto’s argument, the Takeshima Documents Study Group argued that today’s Takeshima [Dokdo] is not included in the ‘Takeshima and an other island’ that the Dajokan, namely the Japanese Government ordered in 1877 to be unrelated to Japan. Tsukamoto's argument is that when the Ministry of Home Affairs examined an inquiry from Shimane Prefecture regarding the compilation of the cadastral records of Takeshima and one other island, firstly, it examined only Takeshima (Uleungdo) and did not examine the other island, namely Matsushima, secondly, it did not adopt the "outline of origin'' from Shimane Prefecture, and thirdly, because the Dajokan approved such an examination, Matsushima was not included in the Dajokan Order. However, the Ministry of Home Affairs also thoroughly examined Matsushima, so Tsukamoto's claim does not hold up.
②The study group argued that all Japanese maps made by the Japanese government before the Dajokan Order depicted Matsushima at the location of Dagelet Island (Ulleungdo), so the Japanese government recognized Matsushima as Ulleungdo. However, such map of Japan could not be confirmed. But the Ministry of Education's map “Complete Map of Great School District in Greater Japan(大日本大學區全圖)” depicting Takeshima at the location of Ulleungdo was found. The study group’s claim is not correct.
③The study group believed that the Isotakeshima Memorandum(礒竹島覚書), which investigated the ‘Takeshima Incident (Ulleungdo Dispute)’ in Edo Era, was written by the Edo Shogunate without any basis, and excluded it from the Meiji government’s recognition of Takeshima and Matsushima. However, this is a document prepared by the Topography Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs by comparing and correcting various documents. This document revealed that the Edo shogunate gave up Takeshima and viewed Matsushima as a belonging island to Takeshima. This document is material that reveals the Meiji government's recognition of Takeshima and Matsushima.
④The study group claimed that the Dajokan Order was an internal directive to the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, there is another Dajokan directive with almost the same meaning in Dajo Ruiten(太政類典). Since this is a collection of precedents and regulations, strict interpretation is possible. If you look for ‘one other islands’ within this, there is only Matsushima (namely Dokdo), as Shimane Prefecture calls it. Dajokan ordered that Ulleungdo and Dokdo were not part of Japan.
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