화약기술발전의 사적고찰에 관한 연구 (한국의 고대 화약기술) = A Study of the Korean Historical Development of Explosives Technology(Korean Traditional Explosive Technology)
技術士(Journal of the Korean Society of Professional Engineers)
화약(흑색화약)의 최초로 발명된 사실은 초석 의 제법 및 그 정제법과 밀접한 관계가 있다. 중국인들은 이미 11세기초부터 초석의 제법을 알고 있었으며, 그들이야말로 화약원료인 초석의 제법을 세계에서 가장 최초로 발명해 낸 사람들이다. 에지프트인들은 그것을 중국의 눈이라고 불럿으며, 초석이 유럽에 전파된 시기는 성길은오이 1218년 서정작업중 패르시아의 성첩를 공격하기 위하여 화약을 사용한데서부터 시작된 것으로 생각된다. 한국에 화약 및 초석의 제조기술이 중국으로부터 도입된 시기는 1374년이며 화약을 최초로 한국에서 만들어낸 사람은 최무선이였다. 이조시대에 접어 들면서 초석, 화약 및 화포의 제조기술은 최해신에 의해서 매우 발전해 나갔다. 그러나 1597년 일본의 왜군이 한국을 침공해 왔을때(임진란) 왜군은 성능좋은 조총으로 한국군을 괴롭혔으며 이에 맞서서 이순신장군이 이끄는 한국의 수군은 거북선에 장비한 성능좋은 화포로서 일본수군을 전멸시킬 수 있었다. 한국의 근대화약기술은 1930년부터 1945년 사이에 4개의 화약공장이 건설됨으로서 매우 발전했다. 본 연구는 한국에 화약기술이 전래된 경위를 조사하였으며 차후화약기술에 대해서 연구하고져 하는 연구자에게 연구 자료를 제공 하고져 시도했다.
더보기The early history of gun powder (black powder) and explosives was closely connected with the discovery of methods of preparing and purifing salpetre (potassium nitrate KNO$_3$). The Chineses apparently became acquainted with salpetre firstly on about 11th century, and they were possibly the original discoverers of salpetre for raw material of gun powder. The Egyptians called it “Chinese snow”, and it is significant that Chingis-Khan, the Mongol conqueror, took the Chinese eenginees with him in 1218 to use it for attacking the fortifications of the Persian cities. The black powder was invented by chance by Chinese alchemists during the Song dynasty (11th century) in the process of manufacturing medicine, and the powder was introduced to Europe by Mongol army. The manufacturing method of salpetre and gun powder was introduced to Korea from China in 1374, and the powder alld gunnery manufacturing project was developed by Mu Sun Choe(崔茂宣), the first Korean engineer late in Koryo dynasty. Coming in to Yi dynasty the explosive technic, extractive method of salpetre, and gunnery manufacturing process were developed greatly by Mu Sun Choe and Hai Sin Choe (崔海臣). However, confronting with the Japanes invasion at Imjin War (1597) with more powerful western style rifles which had been introduced from the Portuguese, on the contrary Korean army with the traditional guns couldn't compete with them. The Chochong(烏銃, the western rifle introduced in Japane) were much superior to the Chinese style traditional guns in the shooting power and striking efficiency. On the other hand, the Japanese battle ships armed only with the Chochong, when confronted with the Korean turtle shaped ships under the commanding of Admiral Yi Sun-Sin(李舞臣), were defeated by the Korean canons on the ships. The technical development of the modern powder industry in Korea. with the construction of four big explosive plants from 1930 to 1945, has resulted the mass-production of explosives. This study was purposed to investigate to the process with regard to the details of introduction to the explosive technology in Korea, and intended to give a help to the engineers who are engaged in study of the explosive technics by means of giving a spot light data on the early process of the designs, and making suggestion to the researchers for further study and invent a new and modern explosive.
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