한국 담임 목회자의 리더십 실제와 리더십 형성에 미친 요인 분석을 위한 한 연구 = 변혁적 리더십 이론을 중심으로 한 질적 사례 연구
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The purpose of this study is to explore the leadership practices, and influential factors contributing to the leadership practices among Korean senior pastors based on transformational leadership theory. The four characteristics of transformational leadership are idealized influence, inspirational stimulation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. The idealized influence leader demonstrates traits such as providing appropriate examples. possessing extraordinary talents, taking risks, dedication to organizational goals with personal sacrifice, and taking care of followers` needs. This leader is admired, respected, trusted. and followers want to emulate the example of the leader. The idealized influence leader demonstrates a high level of moral and ethical standards. and consistently does theright thing even with his: her personal sacrifice in the risk situation. Morality is the criterion whether the charismatic leader is an authentic transformational or pseudotransformational leader. If a charismatic leader uses his, her ability and influence just for his her own purpose in manipulating followers. this leader is a pseuciotrnsformational leader. If a charismatic leader facilitates his; her competency and success for the purpose of community and society, this leader is an authentic transformational leader. Therefore, this idealized influence is one of the most effective components of transformational leadership which makes followers willing to emulate their leader without any kind of reward. The inspirational motivation leader provides a clear vision, an optimistic future, and valuable meaning allowing followers to see the organizational goal. He she uses symbols and conveys emotional appeals which awaken enthusiastic excitement, thus he she introduces team spirit. This leader facilitates clear communication skills that motivates and inspires followers in dealing with challenges and achieving organizational goals. Therefore, inspirational motivation is an effective and emotional aspect of transformational leadership which inspires and motivates followers to achieve a high level of performance. The intellectual stimulation illustrates that the leader stimulates followers to be innovative and creative by allowing them to ask questions on the old way, previous values, and natural assumptions. This approach makes followers address the problem from a different view and develop new problem - solving methods when they face difficult situations. This leader does not criticize the new ideas of followers but facilitates the atmosphere of open acceptance. This factor represents the transformational leader`s ability to recognize the followers` potential and felt needs. The leader provides opportunities of learning and gives support for the development of followers. This leader discerns the individual` s different needs and concerns by one on one interaction. Transformational leaders regard followers as whole persons rather than just employees. This leader delegates tasks to the followers, and these tasks are examined by the leader. This monitoring is not for criticizing but for supporting and providing additional direction and information. Therefore, this individual consideration fulfills the felt needs of followers, and makes them produce more efficient results based on the energy coming from psychological and physical satisfaction. Qualitative research was employed in order to explore the leadership practices and factors which have influenced leadership development among Korean senior pastors. A case study was conducted in order to analyze the leadership practices and influential factors among Korean senior pastors. Semi-structured interviews. observations, and document research were conducted for data gathering in this case study. Leadership practices for Idealized Influence were to exhibit a willingness to sacrifice in personal lives for the benefit of church and society and to be for crisis management: in addit
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