기독교교육학과 교육과정 개정에 대한 연구 = A Study on the Revision of the Curriculum for The Department of Christian Education
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The purpose of this article is to explore the direction of the revision of Christian Education Department's Curriculum in Young Nam Theological University & Seminary. This study starts with the analyzing of curriculum in Christian Education Department, to discover problems in current curriculum. The result of analyzing says to revise toward the integrative curriculum. For this integrative curriculum, the following chapter is a study to context's understanding which is globalization, plural religiosity, young adulthood, and the trend of christian education. By this understanding the direction of revision is the educational ministry which is the integration between education and ministry, theory and practice. Integrative educational ministry is needed a study of more specific curriculum. The aims of integrative curriculum for educational ministry is to growing up toward pastor with integrative ability for his/her pastoral duties. The objectives are to growing up into a man/woman of high character, a creative educationist, and a committed servant to God.
The selection of integrative curriculum for educational ministry has seven characteristics. First, it is needed plural major system and sub-major system. Second, it is needed for graduation credit in plural major and 21-30 credit in sub-major. Third, academic excellence requires discussion and coordination of a ratio between liberal arts and major, a ratio between a compulsory course and an elective course, a credit for graduation, a available credit of one semester, the early graduation of excellent students, a related course of undergraduate school and graduate school, and graduation certification. Fourth, the scope of contents in Christian Education Department is a theoretical fundamental course, a developmental stage course, an educational context course, an education and counseling course, and a special education course. Fifth, it is needed a development of curriculum in ‘educational ministry' ‘ecological christian education' ‘spiritual education' ‘information and christian education' ‘field education' and ‘language education in globalization'. Sixth, it is needed a development of major system which is independence major, inter-disciplinary major, and student's design major. Seventh, it is needed a plan for establishment of Doctor of Educational Ministry(D.Ed.Min). With the selection of contents in curriculum, the organization of contents in curriculum could be constituted with a liberal arts for freshmen, a major course for sophomore and junior, a multi-disciplinary course for senior.
The teaching and learning process and method in integrative curriculum requires the establishment of Center of Teaching & Learning(CTL). Through this institution ,faculty and students could study methods of teaching and learning. Also, it is important that professors share their class syllabi with one another to avoiding overlap and repetition in lectures. The adminstration in integrative curriculum needs to revise a curriculum continually over the four year cycle and requires a liberal arts education committee for academic excellence of student. The evaluation in integrative curriculum needs to revise a method of evaluation in normreferenced evaluation and the practical use of a lecture evaluation.
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