생태주의 관점에서의 시조교육
부산 : 신라대학교, 2002
학위논문(석사) - - -- 신라대학교 교육대학원 , 국어교육전공 , 2002
374.71811.3 판사항(4)
ii, 54장 ; 27 cm.
You can see the relation of ecological criticism to literary educaton. It's aimed to know a principle of Sijo and a process of Sijo how to analyze in a view of ecological point after considering of Sijo education.
In chapter I, you can confirm necessary of Sijo education. Also I suggest the way how to study Sijo.
In chapter II, there is the relation of ecological criticism to literary education.
First, a purpose of education is the upright growth of students which is made by relationship between nature and people. So these day paradigm of ecology is getting important that it can solve a problem of education.
Second, importance of 'literary imagination' corresponds to importance of 'ecological imagination' in literary education. Especially, Sijo education makes teenagers learn a ecological feeling and imagination.
In chapter III, you can see the ecological consciousness.
First, it's awarenss that people like nature. we can guess their mind from Sijo that people live with nature.
Second, people think they are the same as nature. So we can know people love nature so much.
Third, they respect their lives. simply it doesn't come from their thoughts of loving nature. They have got lots of careness of lives.
Fourth, they criticize a crisis of ecology and a disadvantage of developing nature that can be air or water pollution. It's quite serious. we can know they want to protect nature.
Fifth, Sijo has a criticism of civilization and a thought of recovering humanism.
They worry about their lives being destroied by civilization or not.
In chapter IV, we can know a principle of Sijo and a process of Sijo how to analyze in a view of ecological point.
First, it should be done before doing something because it is quite important to understand Sijo. It means to know his thought and worldview.
Second, a process of Sijo is researching value and making value.
In chapter V, it's seen a conclusion. Sijo reflects our lives which is dangerous because of a crisis of ecology. In addition, most of Sijo have importance of nature. So it can be useful for students to have positive thinking and personality.
I think studying Sijo is so significant and useful to change their thoughts which are to love nature. I wish Sijo had a lot of values in education and was studied more active.
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