우리나라 勞使協議制에 關한 硏究 : 現實分析과 改善方向을 中心으로 = (A )study on the joint consultation system in Korea
서울: 檀國大學校 經營大學院, 1985
석사논문 -- 단국대학교 경영대학원 , 경영학과 인사관리전공 , 1985.2
331.8 판사항(17)
iv, 98장: 삽도; 27 cm
참고문헌 수록
In a Highly industrialized society, the labor have played a very important role in economic and industrial development.
The stabilization and the cooperation between the labor and the management and democratization of the industrial society are very important.
The economic growth was the utmost goal of 70's since 60's therefore, the emphasis of national policy has been put to the acceleration of economic growth, Under the extreme constraint of the rights of the labor, which brought about quite a few social problems.
At first the labor-management consultation system, established only as a means of mitigating the excessivly competitive relationship, has put priority to the stabilization and democratization of the labor-management relationship.
In Korea we etablished the labor-management Joint consultation system since 70's and has made considerable efforts in order for this system to strike root by enacting the Law of the Labor-Managent Consultation with all the political change at the beginning of the 80’s.
The purpose of this study consists in coutributing to the formation of democratic labor-management relationship by analyzing the problems of the present labor-management consultation system and reforming it for its effective operation.
The present condition of Joint consultation system in Korea is as follows.
The exports increasing policy of government kept the rights of the labor limited.
In addition, the percentage of the labour participating in the trade union is not more than 21%.
On the part of the employer, the leadership, authoritative prevails, what is worse, the employer group doesn*t think of the trade union as a partner of consultation.
The labour-Management Consultation Law of 1980, was not the result of on accumualation of practice of the consultation but a by product of the government's policy of enhancing labor--management cooperation while suppressing labor-management conflict.
The government-led labour-management consultation system consist of the labour -management conference and the grievance committee, the former which is stipulated to be established at the workshop of more than 100 labours, the latter should established at the workshop of more than 30 labours. The government strives so that Joint consultation system can take root in Korea.
Although the said, Joint consultation system was estabolished, it worked out superficially on account of weak base on the lack of necessity of the conference on the part of the user,
Take for instance the problems of importance.
1) The function of the labour-management consultation system
was confused with those of collective bargaining. Paticularly under the present condition of the prevalence of company bargaining in Korea, the confusion is a serious negative factor in development of the two systems.
2) The function of collective burgaining system weak.
3) The principle of distribution and cooperation between the labour and the management was not formed.
4) There existed distrust of the user and the trade union on the part of the labour.
5) The function of grievance committee weak
I conclusion, I would like to present the following suggestion as to the direction in reforming the Joint consultation system in Korea.
1) Should bring up and strengthen the trade union.
The government' should prevent the employer from checking the labour in forming the trade union, and establsh the liberal envirnment of labor movement.
2) One characteristic of collective bargaining structure in Korea is enterprise bargaining.
This decentralized bargain structure tends to prevent unions from having meaningful bargaining mainly because of the weak bargaining power of enterprise unions. Collect ive bargaining structures must be, therefore, diversified to such an extent that more industry-wide and regional bargaining take place.
3) The education of trade union members and labours on management should be pr- omoted and established education system for them.
4) Importation of profit sharing plan: The fair allocation of the performance made as a result of the increased productivity must be the conditions precedent to the cooperative movement of the employee-employer relations.
For the maximization of the employee-employer cooperation, it is important to establish definitely the profit sharing plan and have it open
to the employees and to make the employees understand that their efforts and cooperations will result in increasing their own interests.
5) Formulating of, the cooperative attitude among the labour and the management and the Government.
The management should take acitve part in the formation of labour-union which function to communicate and to promote the welfare.
On the other hand, the labour, participating voluntarily in management, should take the cooperative attitude.
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