유치원 평가에 대한 교사와 학부모의 인식 비교 연구 = Comparative Study on the Differences between Public Kindergarten Teachers' and Parents' Recognition of Kindergarten Assessment
공주 : 공주대학교 교육대학원, 2010
학위논문(석사) -- 공주대학교 교육대학원 , 유아교육전공 , 2010. 2
95 p. ; 26cm
A Comparative Study on the Differences between Public Kindergarten Teachers' and Parents' Recognition of Kindergarten Assessment
Hwang, Mi Hye
Major in Early Childhood Education,
Graduate School of Education, Kong Ju National University
Supervised by Prof. Lee, Yil Ju
The purpose of this research is to understand the demands and roles of the teachers and parents based on the different recognition on the kindergarten assessment and propose the betterment plan to settle down and vitalize it.
The selected research questions to accomplish the research are as follows.
1. What is the recognition from the evaluated kindergartens' teachers and the parents?
2. What is the recognition from the unevaluated kindergartens' teachers and the parents?
3. What is the betterment plan for kindergarten assessment?
Based on the selected research questions, in order to select the group of people upon their assessment experiences, the survey currently was conducted to the two third of the evaluated public kindergarten teachers and parents. Therefore, 111 surveys from evaluated kindergartens' teachers, 91 evaluated kindergartens' parents, 50 unevaluated kindergartens' teachers, and 98 unevaluated kindergartens' parents were collected.
The result from the research is as follows.
First, the teachers and parents from the evaluated kindergarten realized the necessity of kindergarten assessment in order to enhance the quality of infant education, and also believed that it will advance the public infant education system. However, the teachers were burdened on the overloaded work for preparation of the assessment, and the parents hoped for improved high quality education environment.
Second, the teachers and the parents from unevaluated kindergartens also hoped for improved high quality education through the assessment. However, most of the parents did not recognize the kindergarten assessment and the teachers also received information only from the neighbored teachers. It showed that the kindergarten assessment should be more promoted.
Third, in order the kindergarten assessment to be satisfied by both the teachers and parents, compensation for the evaluated kindergarten teachers for bonus should be needed, and it will also satisfy the parents with financial support to the evaluated kindergartens to receive improved infant education. Furthermore, there should be more parent meetings or forums to exchange and understand teachers and parents view points on assessment.
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