한국형 엘리트의 탄생 : 동남아시아인 한국(어)학 전공 대학원생의 유학 경험을 중심으로
서울 : 韓國外國語大學校 國際地域大學院, 2019
학위논문(박사) -- 韓國外國語大學校 國際地域大學院 , 한국학과 , 2019. 8
915.1 판사항(22)
The birth of a Koreanized elite : the experience of Southeast Asian graduate students majoring in Korean studies
iii, 178 p. : 도표 ; 26 cm
한국외국어대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
지도교수: 조영한
참고문헌: p. 159-175
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze Southeast Asian students studying abroad in Korea from the perspective of strategic knowledge mobility in western-centric globalized academia, based on a qualitative survey of the experiences of Southeast Asian graduate students majoring in Korean Studies at Korean universities. In particular, this thesis focuses on the formation process of the students’ scholar/researcher identity within Korean society and at their universities, rather than the policy aspect of Korea that involves attracting more foreign students and expanding the field of Korean Studies.
The results of this paper are as follows. First, the decision of Southeast Asian students to study abroad in Korea is a compromise of their semi-global dreams. The mobility of international students usually focuses on the US/West, the perceived center of economy and academics. Choosing Korea as the location for higher education and jobs and trying to achieve the dream of becoming a knowledge elite through Korea not only requires compromises and rationalization but also affects students’ elite identity and attitude after studying abroad.
Second, this thesis clarifies how Southeast Asian students studying in South Korea avoid discrimination through multi-layered and multi-faceted responses by intertwining their identity as a university student in Seoul with their identity as a Southeast Asian, which, on its own, often evokes low status connotations in Korean society. They differentiate themselves from the people of their country of origin by emphasizing their personal value and abilities and sometimes resort to agreeing with the assertions of discrimination in order to ingratiate themselves with Koreans. At the same time, their experience of neglect and alienation within the academic setting of Korean Studies (or language) is an element that contributes to the imperfection of the elite identity they pursue.
Third, this thesis presents their elite identity as that of a “Koreanized elite.” This term implies an imperfect elite identity created by the hierarchical relationships and behavior patterns of the Korean academia that they have acquired while studying in Korea, in conjunction with the economic dependency rooted in the ongoing master-disciple relations and research grants affecting them even after they return to their home countries. While they are professors of Korean Studies (and/or language) at their local universities, they are not fully recognized as Korean Studies scholars within the realm of educational and academic activities. As both beneficiaries and co-conspirators of Korea's national promotion, these Southeast Asian scholars maintain multifaceted and complex feelings for Korea.
This thesis highlights knowledge mobility from the periphery to Korea, which has not been widely studied in the field of Korean Studies. In particular, rather than simply describing the experiences of international students, this thesis analyzes how these Southeast Asian students, whose aim is upward class mobility by studying abroad, develop their identities as elites, and how their relationship with Korea continues to affect their elite identities beyond their periods of academic exchange.
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