CSR의 한국적 진화: SK의 사회적 기업 생태계 지원 전략을 중심으로 = The Korean Evolution of CSR: The Case of SK’s Support for Social Enterprise Ecosystem
한솔 (Cornell University)
Since the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, CSR in Korea has undergone an ongoing expansion in both scale and discourse. However, there is a dearth of previous research that focus on how the chaebol, as an organizational variable, affected the long-term trajectory of institutionalization of CSRin Korea. This study aims to fill such gaps in understanding how how the chaebols’ CSR strategies facilitated acculturation process of CSR institutions in Korea.
Recognizing the lack of currently available quantitative data, this study adopts the explorative single case study method. It intends to analyze in depth the patterns in a representative case so that it can serve asa cornerstone for systemic research in the future.
The subject of this case study is SK’s CSR program, which has focused primarily on supporting social enterprise ecosystems and developing social value measurement systems from 2006 to 2018. SK’s social enterprise-related CSR initiatives can be summarized as follows: (1) direct and indirect founding of social enterprises (2) purchasing of social enterprises’products, (3) development and application of social value measurement systems, (4)grants to social enterprises, and (5) measurement and monitoring of the social value of its affiliates.
This paper examines how each above-mentioned CSR initiative has been introduced and disseminated within the SK group, and how each strategy has been specifically routinized by SK as a typical chaebol group. First, the paper argues that the peculiar characteristics of SK as a chaebol played a significant role by demonstrating the institutionalization processes below: (1) SK began pursuing CSR as a response to the legitimacy crisis it faced after the severe governance crisis in the early 2000s. (2) During the initial period of institutional void, SK Telecom functioned as a forerunner through acquiring knowledge about social enterprises. The personnel from SK Telecom were then moved to the Happiness Foundation, the corporate foundation of the SK group. (3) The foundation, which functioned as a hub, led the mimetic isomorphism within SK. (4) In later phase, the group chairman played a large role as an institutional entrepreneur by adopting new long-term initiatives. In addition, SK’s CSR strategy has been structured by the following factors: (1) pooling and top-down management of its affiliates’ resources and capabilities, (2) provision of the social enterprise market through rapid re-organization of equity networks, (3) filling the institutional void by the development and application of the social value measurement systems within the chaebol group, (4) leadership of the group chairman as an institutional entrepreneur. Such examples reflect the coordination mechanism and the structural capability typical in chaebol groups.
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